How to make an apartment, being in another city

How to make an apartment, being in another city

How to check out of the apartment, being in another city: such a problem arises when a person has forgotten this detail of yours.

What you need to be issued from the apartment while in another city

You can do this without returning to the city where the person is prescribed. The very first action - a person must come to the passport department of the city of stay. To have a passport, certificate of property rights (per apartment) if available. An extract from the unified state register of taxpayers. Or the ground contract (confirms the rights of ownership of housing). The list of such documents includes:

  • treaty purchase and sale of housing;
  • property transfer agreement;
  • certificate of receipt of inheritance;
  • rental agreement (lease);
  • investment agreement.

With municipal accommodation, it is necessary that the real owner (employer) came to the local passport department. Since the apartment is alien, the procedure varies somewhat. The owner must have the necessary documents on the apartment.

How to check out of the apartment is legally correct (being in another city)

After performing the above actions, you need to fill sample statement about registration (according to the Migration Service of the UFMS) to a new place of residence (in the city where you are now). If the apartment is owned by another person, the owner writes his own consent to your residence in my apartment. If accommodation Located in the mortgage, the permission from the bank is applied. Thus, you can register in a new place.

Then is filled with a sample on an extract from previous housing. The passport put the same posting date to new housing and discharge from the old. Employees of the UFMS take your passport. In return, they will be issued a document on a temporary identity card for a month. And the passport will be returned only in a couple of months (approximately).

How to be discharged from housing in another city with the help of a favorite trustee

If the permanent registration is not foreseen in the future, then it is not possible to be discussed in another way: with the help of a trusted (selected personally) person. For this method, it is necessary:

  • contact the UFMS with the question of the possibility of such a procedure in any available way;
  • contact To the notary for stating printing on the statement of the statement and registration of attorney on a reliable person. Its passport details are indicated, the validity of the power of attorney;
  • send Documents a trusted person by mail with your passport.

The trustee appeals to the UFMS of his city, and urgently. Preferably on the same day. An extract should occur in 3 days from the moment of circulation of the chosen trustee. In case of refusal, you can complain to the higher authority. In case of success, a trustee by mail will send you a passport in which there will be a letter of discharge.

How to be issued from the apartment, if you are in another state

When you try to write out, being on the territory of another country, you do not need to come to Russia. Make it easily through the same trustee. For this you need:

  • contact At the Embassy of the Russian Federation to assign a declaration of removal from registration in the old apartment. For this service will have to pay;
  • you can make a power of attorney to another person in the same place;
  • send documents by mail the fastest way (with a copy of the passport, visa). You do not need to send a passport.

A person in Russia will contact the UFMS and give up the paper. Later you can register in the stay when you get permission. Registration conditions specify in the embassy.

Here are the main points to solve the problem with the discharge from the apartment, if you are in another city or country. If you follow the instructions, you can avoid additional headaches.

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