Bloch is difficult to kill manually, it is usually required chemical treatment. As a rule, fleas become noticeable when they move in the wool of an infected pet (or on the human head). Their presence also says blush skin.
Characteristics of Bloch
- length - Adult fleas have a length of approximately 2.5 mm
- color - dark color, from brown to reddish-brown
- body - thin and flat with hair
- mouth - Adult fleas have the mouths used in order to extract the blood from an animal or man
- legs - six long legs
- there is no wings - flea looseless
- jump - fleas have the opportunity to jump over long distances
Bloom bites
As far as miniature is neither a flea, they bite very pain. Even quite large in comparison with fleas are voracious bugs - even they do not deliver such pain. The fleas are absolutely not injected into a scratch when the anesthetic substance is bite, and as a result of this natural substance, the bites of other bloodsowing parasites are felt solely after a certain period, for which parasite it is possible to quench the hunger and sniff.
However, fleas are not hidden at all - they seem not at all worry About need to be neuthelified. The reason for this is a rather large inaccessibility of fleas for its own victims. After all, neither dog, nor a cat, no other four-headed is capable of catching a small parasite, even if they try.
The consequences of Bloch bites
The main results of bites are related to the toxic effects of substances injected by flea to a scratch when bite. The main goal of such substances is to interfere with blood folding. And therefore, at the end of the infringement of enzymes into a scratch, the blood shallow flower, almost spontaneously, fills the insect ventricle. Due to the flexibility of the skin of a person, when flea will break off from the bite zone, the walls produced by it are compressed between themselves, and blood does not expire from the bite.
Danger Bloch
These parasites are not only painful, but also additionally turn out to be the carriers of all sorts of diseases. In particular, the most global epidemic that destroyed thirty percent of residents of European countries in the Middle Ages is the bubonic plague appeared actually because of the parasites arriving in the ports on the ships in the wool of rats.
In total, up to two hundred causative agents of various diseases, researchers discovered on various varieties of fleas. These species in everyday life are almost indistinguishable among themselves, a bold man is unlikely to be able to find out what infection it will picker with another parasite.
The fleas are dangerous carriers of various diseases, so, in case you want to stroke some animal on the street, it is better to wash your hands at home.