What does a naughty hernia look like

What does a naughty hernia look like

Statistics show that about 65% of the population have a hernia. Most of the cases are diagnosed in children. It is not surprising, because 30% of surgical operations carried out in childhood is the elimination of umbilical hernia. Therefore, it is necessary to know this disease "in person." Look below, look like a poodure hernia in adults and children.

What is the umbilical hernia?

Underground hernia is a bulge, which is located in the umbilical ring area. It forms due to the exit of the intestine through the weak muscles of the abdominal wall. Distinguishes the umbilical hernia from other formations the fact that in the position lying on the back, the protrusion decreases or hides completely.

Since the muscles of the abdomen are not everywhere of the same density, and due to the age or the presence of permanent physical exertion weakened, then the prure protrusion happens quite often. Initially, the bag is formed, in which over time, the bowel loop comes out. If the therapy is not carried out, the hernia increases, increasingly worsening the quality of human life.

As for the umbilical hernia in children and newborns, the protrusion of the internal organs occurs due to incomplete overpricing of the umbilical ring after the navel. Also provoke the appearance of an umbilical hernia, may intra-abdominal pressure, when the press muscles are still weak, and the infants and severe hikes are "by large" injecting intra-abdominal pressure.

What does the umbilical hernia look like in children?

Basic hernia in newborns is a small ball that may have the wrong shape. The size of education in children up to 1 year is up to 3.5 cm in diameter. If hernia is more, then this is a reason for conducting operational intervention.

It should be noted that hernia, this is a pathology transmitted by inheritance. If one of the parents attended this defect in infancy, then in 80% of cases, the child will also have such a defect. It looks like a bubble hernia in children like this:

What does the navel hernia look like in adults?

Gryrying in adults are divided into two types:

  • Fitting hernia is a small rounded tumor near the navel, which appears if the press muscles are strained. The patient may not feel its presence, because at this stage of hernia does not show any symptoms. Sometimes pains may occur when man coughs or very much.

  • The incorporated hernia is the formation of significant sizes that "does not hide" even in the lying position. Fabrics are compacted, and the hernia pouch becomes a bluish or red shade with a noticeable swelling. Pose painful syndrome.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults and children

As for the treatment of umbilical hernia in adults, it is carried out surgically. Modern methods allow you to carry out closed operations with a minimum recovery period of 2-3 days. In the process of operational intervention, the surgeon sets the mesh implant or sews the hernia (tension method). After operation, the patient should limit itself in physical exertion. Also follow the diet and mode.

Children's poodle hernia is treated so radically. Therapy is aimed at reducing pressure in the abdominal cavity by laid out on the stomach. Also, after a complete healing of the navel impose a plaster on the navel. Our grandmothers used 5 kopecks as a bandage. Today in pharmacies you can purchase special belts bandages from the umbilical hernia for children.

Knowing how the navel hernia looks like, you do not miss the first symptoms and consult a doctor in time. And this can protect you from complications and operations in the future.

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