Hemorrhoids - one of the unpleasant and delicate diseases that worries both men and women. However, women suffer much more often suffer from this ailment. What are the reasons for the appearance of hemorrhoids in women, what does it look like? How to treat hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids in women: symptoms and classification
Hemorrhoids - varicose expansion of the veins of the rectum and the anal hole in which hemorrhoidal nodes are formed. The symptoms of the disease are the same for both sexes, but women, due to their physiological characteristics, are more susceptible to specific fees. Pregnancy, childbirth, frequent constipation are the main factor in the appearance of hemorrhoids. Depending on the stage of the disease and location of hemorrhoidal nodes, hemorrhoids are classified on:
- Inner hemorrhoids - hemorrhoidal nodes focused inside the rectum and are not determined visually.
- Outdoor hemorrhoids - nodes are localized around the anal hole.
- Hemorrhoids with characteristic anal cracks, there is an outer loss of hemorrhoidal nodes.
- Complicated stage of hemorrhoids - thrombosis of nodes, accompanied by bleeding from the rectum.
The following symptoms are characteristic of the initial stage of the disease:
- Itching, burning and discomfort, feeling of the foreign body in the rear pass.
- Seal around anus.
- Sharp pain, sometimes accompanied by bleeding during defecation.
If one of the symptoms are detected, it is necessary to immediately access the proctologist. The earlier the diagnosis in the initial stage is to establish, the better hemorrhoids to treat and will be able to avoid complications.
Hemorrhoids in women - Photo
How does the hemorrhoids look like women? For outdoor hemorrhoids, it is characterized by the protrusion of hemorrhoidal nodes outside. Seals and cones of different sizes are concentrated around the anal hole. The swelling of the tissues is manifested, as evidenced by the photo:
Internal hemorrhoids should not be found visually, the development of hemorrhoids occurs in the inner part of the rectum. By increasing, the nodes are putting pressure on the intestine and provoke cracks, bleeding. Photo of inner hemorrhoids:
The main factors of the occurrence of hemorrhoids in women
Hemorrhoids - pathology arising against the background of blood flow in the field of small pelvis. There are a number of external factors and physiological features of the female organism, which lead to stagnant processes in this area. These include:
- Low-moving (passive) lifestyle. Despite the fact that many modern women are active, enterprising, they manage to combine work, home and education of children, most of them have a sedentary job in the office, at a computer or spend the whole day on the legs, which leads to the stagnation of venous blood in the small bodies pelvis.
- Stress. As you know, women are more emotional than men and harder to carry nervous experiences and shocks. And stress is the reason for many ailments, including hemorrhoids.
- Nutritional disorders. Not always in the conditions of a saturated rhythm of life, women manage to pay attention to the right nutrition, compliance with the day of the day. In addition, the desire of weak gender to an ideal figure forces women to limit themselves in nutrition and sit on strict diets, which does not most effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Disorders of the intestine microflora, its stable work leads to constipation, and consequently, to the emergence of hemorrhoids.
- Increased physical exertion. Sometimes the cause of hemorrhoids is the professional activity of a woman associated with severe physical labor and lifting weights.
- Pregnancy, childbirth. Kidding and childbirth - the main factor that leads to the appearance of hemorrhoids. The development of hemorrhoidal nodes is provoked by the pressure of the uterus on the vein. As a result, the venous vessels and violation of blood flow and the development of the disease occurs. Often, the outer hemorrhoids appears after the birth of the baby, after severe swell, which provoke an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.
Hemorrhoid treatment in women
If there is this problem, it is necessary to contact a proctologist who, after the survey, prescribes medication treatment, and with complicated form, surgical intervention will recommend.
The main methods of treating hemorrhoids:
- Assigning a diet, changing the power mode, an active lifestyle is appointed in the early stages of the disease. Proper nutrition helps to avoid constipation and stagnant processes.
- Medications for internal use are directed to eliminate the main cause of the disease - stagnation of blood flow in venous vessels. Preparations help strengthen the walls of the vessels and prevent the formation of new nodes and seals.
- Exterior preparations (ointments, gels, rectal candles) are used to facilitate the state of the woman. Quickly remove pain, eliminate itching and bleeding. Most popular drugs: Ultra Relief, Candles with sea buckthorn, hepathersbin.
Ideally, a comprehensive treatment is applied to treat hemorrhoids. Also in the early stages folk treatment methods are applied. Compresses from raw grained potatoes, baths with a chamomile or a beast, tampons with sea buckthorn oils are well helped.
Remember that hemorrhoids are easier to cure at an early stage than to apply surgical intervention when the disease acquires a chronic form.
Hemorrhoids got out in a consequence of frequent constipation, sat on a protein diet. I drink a fittocil norm, now we eat more vegetables and do not eat fastening products such as rice. The bumps remained, they only say safely worry, but at least they are not inflamed and Thank you.