For most users, the laptop and the Internet are inseparable concepts. Without the Internet, communication with the outside world is impossible. Solving the problem is simple - to buy a modem. Today the market presents a huge number of diverse models. We must choose such a model so that you will not regret it later. Possible options: 3G-Wi-Fi-router, 3G-USB modem, PSI Express modem.
Decide with the modem type, that is, with the way it is connected to the laptop. Most often, USB modems are currently used. To connect them, you need a USB port. Positive qualities: compactness, ease of connection, the ability to switch to any other device. The choice of a USB modem each user performs, based on its preferences and needs.
If the warranty period of the laptop has expired, there are no problems with its opening and installing additional equipment, then install the internal modem. PSI Express modem is an internal modem for switching Internet access. It will save the USB port free and takes very little space in the case. Buy it if there is no access to a broadband connection, for example, in rural areas. Disadvantages: Low speed and high price. If the laptop is on warranty, then you need an external modem connected to the USB port.
Buy a 3G-Wi-Fi router for a laptop - a small compact modem having a built-in battery. It is convenient if you are the owner of several gadgets - laptop, smartphone, tablet. Its advantage is that it can distribute the Internet to all devices equipped with Wi-Fi. The SIM card is inserted into the 3G-Wi-Fi router modem, and the built-in battery supports the ability to work for several hours (depends on the model). If there is no need to use on all guest gadgets at the same time, it is much cheaper to buy a 3G-USB modem.
Select Provider. In the Russian market, three operators are mainly represented: MegaFon, Beeline, MTS. In big cities, they all maintain a good connection and high speed. In small cities, the villages of the problem with the connection 3G still have. Specify the connection speed from the operator or make sure that the connection itself, for example, using a phone equipped with 3G. The bandwidth of the modem should be no lower than the speed claimed by the provider.
Learn the 3G communication speed in your area. The bandwidth of the modem should correspond to it. Modern USB modems can operate at a speed of 14.4 and even 28.8 Mbps. Often communication operators cannot provide Internet speed at this level. Therefore, it makes no sense to overpay and buy an expensive modem with a huge access speed. Modems users having an average bandwidth - 7.2 Mbit / s are most practical and popular with modems.
Select the modem manufacturer. Communication operators most often sell the modem of Huawei and ZTE firms, they may differ from them only with stickers. The problem is that in the modem purchased from the MegaFon operator, it is impossible to install the Beeline SIM card, and vice versa. You can unlock the modem, but it is too difficult. It is better to buy already a "divided" modem where you can put any SIM card. Their price is higher, but there is the ability to change the provider if necessary. Such modems produce the above companies and the French firm Alcatel.
By choosing a 3G modem and provider model, you can still be dissatisfied with the quality of communication. This situation can be tried to eliminate one of three ways: buy a USB modem with access to an external antenna, to buy an Internet signal amplifier - a small plate and a USB extension or only a USB extension cord, and set the modem on the window. The last method is used by many modem owners - inexpensively, effectively, simple.
Connect the modem to the laptop still in the store. The dimensions of modems are different. Make sure that the 3G modem does not block access to the next USB port. In this case, select a less cumbersome model or buy a USB extension.
By purchasing a modem, use the advice of the article and follow your opinion. You can always return the purchased modem to the store for two weeks from the moment of purchase, if for some reason he does not suit you.