How to stand on a queue for the improvement of housing conditions

How to stand on a queue for the improvement of housing conditions

It's no secret that very many citizens of our mills really need to improve housing conditions. Also, a considerable number of people today have to live in apartments, the state of which is in the fact of emergency, and many are simply forced to move most of their lives from the apartment to the apartment (removing them). For those. Who is not aware, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the opportunity to improve its living conditions, becoming a queue on this issue. Let's deal with what the rules of such a queue and what you need to know about this process, in principle.

Improving the living conditions

For a start, we must understand what is a concept - improving housing conditions and what is included in it. First of all, we note that the improvement of such conditions is one of the types of social type programs, which makes it possible for a certain category of citizens of the country to receive assistance from the government (this concerns the issue of providing housing or receiving money to repair emergency housing). The in question can be attributed to the needy families.

In order to participate in this event, it is necessary to meet some criteria, namely:

  • The citizen has no own real estate or he leases housing on an ongoing basis.
  • In case a citizen has the ability to rent housing, but at the same time, this housing in the area is insufficient on the standards specified in social legislation.
  • When the conditions of real estate content for certain reasons do not comply with the standards of a sanitary type (in this case, the room can be declared an emergency or subject to complete disposal, that is, demolition).
  • In the event that a citizen who wants to be in the queue to improve housing conditions, at the given time he lives in the premises. Where, in addition to his family, another family lives, who has a sick family member with whom on all the rules and norms, to live is categorically prohibited.

Norms of living space can be different, it all depends on the region of residence, so this factor is also worth considering when considering this issue. If we talk about the rules in Moscow, then the following areas of Square are operating here:

  • Municipal apartment - 15 square meters (this is minimum)
  • Standard apartment - no less than 10 square meters.

The right to benefit

At the moment of time, a huge number of citizens have a complete legal right to apply for the improvement of housing conditions for a comfortable stay in it. Regarding recently, a certain adjustments were made in the housing code, after which, a list of persons who have the right to queue, expanded several times that, of course, is a positive point for needing citizens. The main thing in this case is that the main applicants in this list are poor families.

It turns out that before becoming in the queue, it is necessary to present documents that your family is indeed a low-income. It is quite easy to arrange these documents and receive their fairly wide range of persons of the country. The process of obtaining a special status is simple:

  • Collect all the necessary documents whose list you can find in the open access on the Internet or in the social protection department.
  • Contact this very department with all the necessary documentation.

Do not forget that in order to become a queue, you need to live in a certain region at least one decade and half of the term from this citizen must live in conditions that are not suitable for normal residence. Without a queue, get an improvement in such conditions can only:

  • People with serious diseases - with a mental disorder or such a disease like tuberculosis
  • Citizens who cannot live in their accommodation due to natural conditions or accidents (explosion, fault of the building, etc.)

Preparation of documentation and contacting the right service

Those who wish to become in the above, first of all should appeal to the local government body (territorial type). Among other things, it is in the queue has the ability of a citizen and at the place of its work (in the case of official employment).

It is strictly forbidden to be a law to be immediately in several queues. One citizen can only stand in the same queue.

We prepare documents as follows:

  • First of all, you need to write a statement on a specific sample. It is worth noting that it should be a signature of absolutely all family members.
  • passport and its copy (and, all pages)
  • technical type passport
  • do not forget about the certificate that such an authority gives as BTI
  • help where all family members will be indicated

If you managed to become in the question in question, you have the ability to track which one you're in the queue (what is your number). To find out it, you need:

  • To begin we write a statement to the department of housing, there must be two copies.
  • We send a custom type letter to the same department.
  • Get the answer with your personal number in the list in days 25, maximum 30.

In each individual region, the queue moves in its own way, that is, with its speed, it will depend on the set of factors, the main of which are:

  • the number of applicants to improve the conditions for residence
  • the efficiency of local authorities

It is not so difficult to become in the queue, the main thing is that your status allows you to do it, everything else is formalities. You can collect and submit documents within a few days.

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