How to enable electronic cigarette

How to enable electronic cigarette

Electronic cigarettes are a modern device that allows you to quietly quit smoking. Initially, they were intended for avid smokers, who and the day could not live without a cigarette. Now it is not only a way to get rid of the bad habit, but also a tribute to fashion.

How to enable electronic cigarette - the principle of work

Why does the electronic cigarette require an inclusion? The usual cigarette is set up with the help of a source of fire, the paper spools and tobacco, which is inside, burns. Modern model of cigarette works otherwise. Inside the device there is a special fluid designed to simulate steam.

The liquid can be used once or constantly, with the condition of its regular shift. When a person wants to enjoy a cigarette smoke, he is delayed by activating a cigarette. At this point, the evaporator is activated, which runs from the built-in battery. In the process of tightening the liquid evaporates, which is subsequently turning into exhaled steam.

How to enable electronic cigarette - preparation for inclusion

First of all, the new device must be filled with energy. This is due to the battery that will require charging from the usual outlet. Most often, the models of electronic cigarettes are made with the indicator, it is he who will show the level of charging. The first few times will have to wait, because until the battery is complete to complete until ten o'clock.

Once the indicator is completely filled, you can embed a liquid if it is replaceable and prepare for the test of the gadget. Please note that at the moment there are two varieties of electronic cigarettes: with the activation button and without it.

How to enable electronic cigarette - switching on with button

Run the device with the button is simple - you must click on it, hold a few seconds and delay. At this point, the process of filing a couple for further smoking is activated. From the first time it may not work. Why? There are two reasons: A cigarette power supply is not enough or pressing the button is insufficient. With unsuccessful inclusion, try to repeat the procedure again by pressing five times on the power button. If the battery is successfully activated, the color indicator will light up.

How to enable electronic cigarette without a button

It is still easier than with the previous variation of the electronic cigarette. The electronic device without the power button is activated automatically, it is necessary only to delay. Please note that two or three tightening with minimal interruptions must be made to complete the gadget. Then the system will start properly supplying the liquid for the guy. And do not forget about the level of charge of the cigarette - without refueling the battery, this model will also not function.

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