How to recover feed

How to recover feed

Restore WhatsApp's correspondence is easy, but only if no more than a week has passed since the removal, as the backup copies are stored in the last 7 days.

How to restore the correspondence in the ottompa - we remove whatsapp

If we delete the WhatsApp program itself - nothing terrible will not happen, backup copies will remain integer. To delete, go to Settings\u003e General\u003e Application Manager\u003e WhatsApp. Press the Delete button. The Clear Data button cannot be pressed in any way.

How to restore the correspondence in the feed - rename the correspondence data file

  • Using any file manager, for example, pre-installed in Android, we find the WhatsApp folder in it the Databases folder. It is usually located in the built-in device memory, if not, it means on a memory card.

  • All files in this folder are backup copies of the dialogs for the past 7 days created automatically at a certain time, and the file is MSGStore.db.Crypt8 - the database is currently.

  • Select the current database file, select the Rename item in the menu and change the file name.

  • Then change the name of the correspondence file for the required date on the msgstore.db (we remove the date from the file name)

How to restore the correspondence in the feed - install whatsapp

  • Install WhatsApp via GooglePlay, as usual, enter the phone number (it should be the same as before, otherwise it will not be possible to restore the data). After installation, the program itself finds the correspondence file and prompts you to restore the data. We agree.

  • We wait for the message from whatsapp. This is over this process of recovery.

As we see, the recovery of whatsapp data is simple, but it's not worth tightening with it not to lose this opportunity. If more than 7 days passed, you can take advantage of this advice To read deleted messages.

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