How to find out your Yota number

How to find out your Yota number

Yota is a popular company providing mobile services offering a cheap wireless Internet connection, and since recently, even its own smartphone domestic development.

How to find out the number from Yota?

Here are some simple ways to find out the desired:

  • dial on the keyboard of your device characters * 103 #, press the "Call". Your number will appear on the screen and will be there until you click other keys. The service is provided entirely for free, without restrictions on the number of requests.
  • download and install a beneficial mobile application from Yota, which, in addition to other advantages, will show you the desired (for example, for iPhone.);
  • refer in technical support Through the official website of the provider, describe in detail your problem and expect the speedy response of employees. To talk in real time, write subscriber support chat.
  • among other things, the number of the current SIM card comes after its activation on a specific device in SMS - just check the message history again;
  • if you need to find out your personal account data related to the provision of Internet services, carefully examine the paper that you were issued during the conclusion of the Agreement with Yota;
  • the number of the personal account, as well as the associated SIM card number easily learn through your personal office on the Yota website. Log in to it using Email or an account on social networks (Facebook, VKontakte).
  • do not know what to do? Ask the "Virtual Assistant" in the section "Support" on A special script will search for the site base and give you all relevant answers.

Services Yota.

If you use the services of another operator, but you want to try a link from Yota, you can save the usual number, subject to several simple rules. If your mobile account is not listed, it is issued for you (with coinciding passport data), and will also be in the usual region, it will only have to fill out a statement in the official sales center. The procedure will take about a week of working time. In addition, you can freely change the numbers if they don't like them. The first shift service is free, each subsequent costs 100 rubles and is available once every 10 days (in order to avoid fraud).

List of free numbers you want to pick up purposefully also available in the application. At the same time, the old number "sticks" for you for 183 days.

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