How to insulate battery for winter with your own hands

How to insulate battery for winter with your own hands

To preserve the car in the target and preservation, without disturbing the working condition, the motorist needs to be prepared for frosts upwards. And for this it is best to familiarize yourself with the people's councils, which have already reversed not one generation of drivers. On average, the battery can serve about 4 years. In case of unpredictable loads from the outside, the amount of working time is rapidly decreasing. Battery isolation prolongs service life and comfort. The approach to business will not be much difficulty, if at the same time use all its seamless and purchase a minimum of useful materials without performing high costs.

How to insulate the battery with foam

  • The heat-insulating material is not expensive, it is purchased in almost any construction store. For cutting sheets, the layer is usually used. Simply put, for the battery mastered the box, and the walls are carefully glued. The most suitable brand of glue - "dragon". It does not corrosive the foam and provides reliable gluing while complying with the instruction rules. Walls are made on the grooves or without them. Pages increase the reliability of the attachment.
  • Polystyrene is a few species. It is chosen depending on the availability of money and quality of heat conservation. The most reliable option will be extrusion polystyrene foam. It is durable and quite dense. Also produced foamed foam (white) of different types of density (15, 25, 35). The wall thickness is selected so that the battery gives a comfortable landing, it is preferably at least 2 cm.
  • After the material and dimensions of the sheets are chosen, proceed to the cut. The box consists of a lid, bottom and four walls. With the help of a construction meter and pencil from the battery, measurements are removed. Next, the dimensions are transferred to the working surface, all the necessary parts are cut on the layout, the box is pre-assembled without gluing. If all is well and there are no gaps through which the air appears, the details are glued.
  • Removable lid allows you to get the battery if necessary. Fontoam box, ideally suitable for a battery with all the recesses, can be ordered in online stores. There are firms engaged in a sharp foam and ready to provide their services. The box will come by mail in the collected or disassembled form.

How to insulate the battery with folozole

  • Very flexible material, one side of which is covered with foil. It has a wide range of applications: insulation of sewer pipes, overlaps, roofs, etc. Thus, it works perfectly with high and low temperatures, guaranteeing thermal insulation. It is used complete with a foam layer, which gives the best result. For example, the wall may consist of 3 layers: pholoisol, foam (2 cm), foamisol.
  • Polystyrene is not bonded with contacting materials. Each layer is made separately. Foil joined the tape among themselves. Polyfoam glue with the dragon glue. First of all, you need to remove measurements and cut the box. Next to try items so that the improvised CFR makes it possible to close the engine compartment tightly. Polyfoam must be placed on top of the foil, fixing a small fraction.

How to insulate the battery with felt

  • An interesting and affordable version of insulation felt. It has excellent insulation properties, works in practice.
  • Details are fastened with thick threads. You can put several layers of felt. 4 walls are fixed separately, and the lid is sewn to one of them. The bottom is sewn into the design, the lid should open and close. The box can be placed in homemade CFR from a special car blanket.

The insulation of the battery is a very relevant question that should be done in advance. The driver must necessarily know what materials are ultimately not recommended to use not to damage the car as a whole. For example, it is impossible to connect the battery in the plaid, these manipulations will lead to a fire. The same result will turn out if you apply cardboard, cotton, down pillows. When fireing, the foam over time self-spouts, but gives a strong and poisonous Gar and soot. It is important to protect the details under the hood from the granules that can turn when transporting the drive and during its use, repair work.

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