How to lengthen eyelashes

How to lengthen eyelashes

Long and thick eyelashes are capable of making even inexpressive eyes brighter, and the look is attractive. Modern girls know the mass of fast ways to give the eyelashes missing length, only some require visits to beauty salons, while others are quite fulfilled at home.

How to lengthen eyelashes - Natural eyelashes

Before thinking about beautiful long eyelashes, it is worth taking care of the proper care for them. Sometimes simple rules help restore eyelash growth without additional efforts and investments.

  • Use quality ink. It is not necessary to spend crap for the purchase of an advertised novelty, if desired, you can find a lot of good, but quite budget cosmetics brands. The main thing is that the mascara does not cause irritation, and its origin did not cause you doubt. It is also necessary to part with ink, which has expired shelf life and dried up with tubes.
  • Do not be lazy to clean the skin and eyelashes daily. In order to make the demakijage as soft as possible and naturally - use only special removal tools. Many of them contain special oils and vitamins to help strengthen and stimulate eyelash growth.
  • Treat eye disease on time. Even the usual redness can be a sign of serious diseases. If your eyes periodically suffer from conjunctivitis, barley and other inflammatory diseases, then this is a reason to refer to specialists, and not engage in self-medication. Remember: Beauty begins with health.

How to lengthen eyelashes with salon methods?

In pursuit of beauty, many girls attend salons and cosmetic rooms, where, with the help of qualified masters, quickly and easily become the owner of long and expressive eyelashes. Most often, cosmetologists offer their customers two ways to lengthen eyelashes:

  • Building. In addition to the indisputable advantages, this method has a number of significant drawbacks - it is necessary to carefully handle the extensive eyelashes: you can not rub your eyes, attend hot baths and saunas, sleep face in a pillow and use aggressive facilities for washing. In addition, after two or four weeks, you need to turn to the worship master and remove artificial eyelashes.
  • Lamination. Another saloon method of acquiring long and well-groomed eyelashes is gaining increasingly popular at the expense of the natural type of eyelashed eyelashes and simple care. "Zalaminated" eyelashes acquire the maximum curl and lengthening up to 1 cm, they look natural and naturally, in addition, they can be painted in mascara and after three weeks the composition gradually refills, not causing the owner of any inconvenience.

These methods have their own fans and unfriendly people, but they have one main drawback - a big value. If you want to get long and beautiful eyelashes, but do not spend a bunch of money, you can use several proven homemade methods for purchasing beautiful and healthy eyelashes.

How to lengthen eyelashes by folk methods

Oils for eyelashes

The most popular and tested by thousands of girls the way to eliminate eyelashes at home is to strengthen them with oils. In order to make it easier to use the oil, you can thoroughly wash and dry the brush from the old carcass, to dip it into the prepared oil and apply a few brushes on the eyelashes. To achieve the maximum result, you can leave the composition for the night, if the time does not allow or discomfort in the eyes, it is better to remove it after 15-30 minutes with a dry cotton disk. The most accessible and efficient eyelashes for eyelash growth:

  • castor;
  • olive;
  • rEPEY;
  • linen;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn.

Compresses for eyelashes

Strengthen the growth of eyelashes can be using conventional compresses from tea bags or brewed herbs. Such "Babushkin" method is capable of quickly and without costs to put in order not only your eyelashes, but also rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. Compresses from chamomile, cornflower or calendula prevent eyelashes falling, as well as stimulate their growth.

Mask for eyelashes

A more complex way is a home mask for eyelash growth. The correct recipe of such a SPA procedure - grind several parsley leaves, add a couple of drops of aloe juice and olive oil. Apply the mixture for the entire length and roots of the eyelashes, to achieve the maximum effect you can spend an easy massage of the age with the tips of the fingers.

How to lengthen eyelashes with makeup

There are several express methods for lengthening eyelashes - using overhead eyelashes or beams and with the help of proper makeup. If there should be no problems with sticking of overhead bundles, the main thing is to choose high-quality glue and suitable on the length of the eyelashes, then not every girl can lengthen the eyelashes with makeup.

To get the most long eyelashes in five minutes - first get them with special kerlers, then slightly point them with ordinary powder and only then apply a layer of carcasses by vertical movements to prevent eyelashing. To achieve a larger volume, you can apply a layer of powder and finish the makeup of ink.

Take into service the listed ways, bring patience and all through a couple of weeks you will become the owner of long and beautiful, and most importantly, healthy eyelashes.

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