How to Delete Saved Password in Yandex.Browser

How to Delete Saved Password in Yandex.Browser

The need to save the password in the browser occurs with regular frequency. Why preserve them? To not remember a large number of passwords. Save the password in the browser is easy, but how to delete is a question.

Causes for which you want to delete saved password

Passwords have a property to be forgotten, then they need to be restored, and this is the time that sometimes not. And then the password is inserted automatically, very convenient, or it can be copied from the password storage and insert into the desired field. Or people work in one admin or one account, and access is common, so to optimize time a collegial solution to save the password in the browser.

Of course, the saved password greatly facilitates the life of the computer, laptop or gadgets. However, this is justified and safely only if you are firmly confident that no one except you uses your technique. If there is a situation where foreign people have access to your computer, then you need to progress and remove any information that can be used against you, and passwords are just such information. But suddenly there is a need to remove this password. And nothing happens. Is it possible to delete the saved password in Yandex browser? If so, how to do it?

Where in Yandex Find Password Storage?

Passwords in Yandex are stored in a special repository, which is called "Password Manager". In order to find it, you need to press three horizontal strips, which are located in the upper right corner of the screen of the opened Yandex browser.

You need to press and drop out the drop-down menu, among the items of which you need to find "Password Manager".

How to delete saved passwords?

  • Now, accordingly, you need to click on the "Password Manager". After that, the screen with sites for which you will have ever saved passwords.

  • If you want to delete a password for one site only, then you need to click on the icon on the site, on the site of the icon to display a check mark and the "Delete" field appears at the bottom of the screen. You just need to click on this field, and the password will erase from the browser's memory forever.

  • If you planned to remove all saved passwords, then you need to put a tick in a small window to the left of the word "sites". Then all the sites for which you saved passwords, then you will need to also click on the "Delete" field and, without exception, once saved passwords are removed from the browser's memory.

  • Now you need to clarify such a moment: passwords will be deleted from the browser's memory, that is, in order to enter a particular site, you will need to enter a login and password manually well if you have a phenomenal memory and everything is stored in your mind paners. But there may be such a situation that you will all forget, and if there are many sites, then you also confuse. How then to be?

Of course, passwords before removing them from the browser, you need to fix somewhere to remember how you do it is your personal matter.

Where to see what a password was for a particular site. You need to click on that site, the password from which you intend to delete, and you need to remember it or write it.

After you click on the site, a special window appears with special fields in which it will be spelled out for which field site, the login that you indicate and the password. In order to appear instead of points, the password symbols themselves appear, you just need to click on the Password field to the right to the "Eye" symbol.

After you remember or recorded the password, you can safely do all of the above manipulation of the password removal from Yandex.Bauser.

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