How to remove peeling on the face

How to remove peeling on the face

Peeling on the skin is a fairly frequent problem in men and women of any age. Some believe that the peeling appears due to excessively risen skin. But the real reason lies in the other. In order not to deal with the problem, you need to immediately get rid of this attack.

Pharmacy means

With severe peeling, you can use the following phargenic preparations:
  • Fundswhich includes a maximum of 0.5% hydrocortisone. Not recommended for long-term use due to a large number of side effects.
  • Bepanten. Perfectly heals the affected areas.
  • Panthenol. Apply several times a day for five minutes.
  • Radevit. After use, the skin becomes smooth and velvety.

Proper nutrition and drink

Often, the skin begins to peel due to a lack of moisture in the body. For this reason, the skin surface cracks and corrupt. The solution to the problem is to drink a large amount of water and the use of moisturizers.

As for food, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that if there are not enough vitamins in the body, then they need to be supplied through food:

  • Vitamin E.. It is contained in olive, sesame, linen oils. With a shortage of this element, the skin surface becomes sluggish and peeling appears.
  • Vitamin A. Suppliers of this element are seafood, dairy products, eggs and liver. It supports the necessary level of humidity.
  • Vitamin V. Contained in broccoli, croups, cottage cheese, almond, bananas, nuts, fish. The use of this vitamin will prevent premature aging, improve the color of the skin and moisturizes it.
  • Vitamin WITH. Many vitamin is in citrus, sauerkraut, cranberries, rosehip. This antioxidant copes with free radicals. He is also responsible for the production of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity and elasticity.
  • Vitamins K, pp, d. They are contained in cheese, meat and fish. If these products are small, then the skin will be dim and not elastic.

Correct care

To remove the peeling, you need to properly moisturize the skin. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the factors that dehydrate the skin. It is impossible to wash with an aggressive soap, and choose suitable lotions, milk, mousses.

  • If you can't wash your face without soap, it is better to buy funds with moisturizing cream or butter.
  • Also you can not rub your face, wipe it with watering movements. After that, wipe with a special tonic and apply cream.
  • If the skin is peeling, then you need to abandon alcohol and lanoli-containing funds.
  • When washing with water, peeling often appears, then sesame oil can be used. With it, pollution is dissolved and removed.
  • It is very important to use protective creams at different times of the year. It is necessary to apply it 30 minutes before leaving the house.
  • When choosing moisturizing funds, you need to pay attention to those in which fat components are included. They do not give moisture to evaporate. For these purposes, Vaseline is suitable or children's cream.

Salon treatments

During the peeling, salon procedures are suitable, which are prescribed by experts:

  • mesotherapy using hyaluronic acid
  • fruit peeling
  • biorevitalization
  • moisturizing   programs
  • chemical peeling

An experienced specialist will help establish the cause of peeling and stop it.

Home procedures

You can get rid of peeling at home with such procedures.

  • Water with honey

Honey stirred with water, and wash the cooked solution every morning and evening.

  • Dairy Mask with olive oil

For cooking you will need one spoon of oatmeal on milk and the same honey, olive oil. Such a mask will cope with the peeling sites, gently removing the buried elements.

  • Scrubs with natural components

Flap sections can be removed by coffee grounding, tea, watermelon or cucumber pulp. These products have solid particles that effectively eliminate peeling.

  • Vegetable Masks

The skin of the face is well perceived by vegetable oils. Masks with their content eliminate dead skin. Cooking: a spoon of honey and a spoon of any vegetable oil.

  • Mask with oatmeal and vegetables

Crumpled oatmeal flakes to combine with grated carrots, add milk to receiving a homogeneous composition. Instead of carrots, you can take potatoes, and replace the milk with a cucumber juice or a yolk.

It is not necessary to panic when the skin is peeling on the face, but consult a doctor to clarify the cause.

Comments leave a comment
Veronica 09/03/2018 at 17:48.


To answer
Olenka 10/03/2018 at 13:42.

I have such a skin for which permanent thorough care is needed, otherwise Issues are emerging ((I use natural oils for skin moisturizing, various masks (we usually do), as well as drink hyaluronic acid in 150 mg capsules.

To answer
Catherine 09/28/2018 at 12:31

It helps me when driving and peeling the skin pharmacy ointment. Perfectly restores and nourishes. And by the way, small damage is healing much faster. And of course, in this question, it is important for general health and nutrition.

To answer
Tanya 03/12/2018 at 14:32

With the beginning of heating, the skin always begins to peel and I use the hyalurone cream Libriderm. The skin is moisturized, the peeling is not and the color of the face is more recent

To answer
Rita 02/28/2019 at 0:43.

It would seem - I drank waters normally, I eat right, but sometimes I have dry skin, which I used to try to eliminate with cosmetic creams, the effect of which was not long. And now, in this case, I have a pharmacy ointment to be promined, which is not only dry and peeling removes, but skin immunity increases. You do not need to use the need to use constantly, after it leads the skin into a normal state, you can return to your daily skin care cosmetics.

To answer
Sasha 05/31/2019 at 13:51

Under the cream always applied hyalurone serum LibrDers. It deeply moisturizes the skin, does not leave stickiness after herself and peeling pass

To answer
    Vika 07/18/2019 at 16:50

    Is she selling in a pharmacy? Pores do not forget. After the serum, the film is usually formed, and after this?

    To answer
      Sasha 07/19/2019 at 16:56

      Yes, sold in pharmacies. You can still buy on the official website of Libriderm. There is no film or stickiness.

      To answer

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