How to remove redness

How to remove redness

You have enough single sleepless night at a computer or long-lasting TV shows so that in the morning red eyes. Do not worry, redness you can remove the eye drops or take advantage of folk recipes and you will not be afraid of your reflection in the mirror more.

Remove the redness of the eyes - choose eye drops

If the eyes blushed from a long seating at a computer, and there are no time for hiking to hospital, droplets will be helped:

  • "VINN";
  • "Oxial";
  • "Sofradeks".

These drops will be sold in a pharmacy without a recipe. They narrow the vessels, and the Reds quickly passes. But do not abuse them, apply if necessary. Long use will be the cause of the fragileness of eye vessels and addiction to the medicine. Better buy a lot "Natural Tears". They gently remove the redness, moisturize the eyes and will not spoil the vessels. Alternative - Eklohel drops on a natural basis. Install them in your eyes 4 times a day for ten days.

Remove the redness of the eyes - compresses

Try to do without pharmacy drops using moisturizing compresses:

  • Compresses with herbal decoctions. Brew tablespoon of pharmacy chamomile glass boiling water. Cover the dishes with a lid and spend after half an hour. Water in the cooled ward wadded tampons and wet your eyes 3-4 times a day. You can apply a compress for closed eyes for 10 minutes. Optionally, mix the chamomile with a series or use compresses from the Diza Calendula. Lipa and mint are like this effect;
  • Olive oil. Cock and soften your eyes. Pour some oil on cosmetic discs and impose them to closed eyes. Pass with tampons of 15-20 minutes, and the remains of the oil will remove the dry bandage;
  • Fresh cucumber. Cut the cucumber with circles and put the mug. Pass so 10-15 minutes. Instead of cucumber, you can use mugs of raw potatoes;
  • Tea bags. Copes with red eyes. Brew tea bags with boiling water, wait to cool down. Attach to the closed eyes and Stay with them for half an hour. Another way - to brew a strong tea, soak cotton pads in it and apply to the eyelids or eye wash.

Remove red eyes - cooling

cooling procedure helps to constrict blood vessels and helps to get rid of the redness. Prepare two ice cubes from the freezer. Wrap it in a napkin made of cloth or towel and apply to closed eyes. Do not hold for longer 5-10 minutes or chilled nerves. Second Embodiment - wet wipes very cold water and apply to the eyes. Do not let hypothermia.

Remove red eyes - special exercises

Gymnastics for tired eyes will remove redness for a long time, if you work at a computer. This method can not be excluded in the fight against eye redness. Take every 45 minutes, take a break and perform simple exercises:

  • Blinked his eyes open. Helps get rid of stress;
  • Draw eyes several times the number "8". Describe eye circles clockwise and in the opposite direction;
  • Keep your head straight and slowly raise the top view. Remain at this position for 2-3 seconds and slowly lowered down the eye. Hold your eyes in that position for a few seconds. Repeat several times;
  • Stand near the window. Take a look into the distance and immediately translate gaze on the tip of the nose. Performed several times.

Eat foods containing carotene, good rest, take breaks at work and grab a handy font on your computer. Folk remedies and prevention can help, if the redness caused by eye fatigue. If redness is caused by pathology - please contact your physician for treatment.

Comments leave a comment
Olga 02.12.2018 at 20:15

Recommend a good moisturizing eye drops. It is very necessary, and then the second day of sore eyes, red ((

To answer
Jeanne 03.15.2019 at 14:51

A contact lens wear? I just have time to time is the same problem, red eyes, ache a bit, it is the cornea is damaged, as I told the doctor. I'm in such cases, use Korneregel, he heals and unpleasant symptoms quite rapidly.

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Margarita 03.13.2020 at 14:32

If wear contact lenses, it is possible to cause solution. I was so, so sharing experience.

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faith 03.27.2020 at 12:15

Yes, because of the solution often there is discomfort in the eyes, it passed through it. Long picked up suitable, stopped right now on Renu MPS, it seems to be the best of all. At least for sensitive eyes, it is just perfect !!

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Yana 16/10/2021 at 22:32

Oh, I started to work in the tax and all the time in the computer to look, so the eyes dries constantly ... already three types of droplets bought, I test ...

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