How to remove a sticker with a t-shirt

How to remove a sticker with a t-shirt

There are cases when the sticker has changed its original attractiveness on your favorite T-shirt, or you just wanted to replace it with another. How to get rid of the old without damaging the fabric?

Thermal block

If initially the sticker joined the tissue in a thermal manner, then it is possible to get rid of it similarly - with the help of a hot iron and parchment paper. One sheet put under a sticker from the wrong side, and the second one. Moving a well-hot iron on the applique, gradually it will switch to paper. To enhance the effect, it is desirable to use iron with a ferry or for the lack of such a pre-moisten fabric. If it is not necessary to iron a thing at high temperatures, then use the jet of hot air from the hair dryer. After removing the stickers, soak the T-shirt in warm water with the addition of a small amount of drinking soda.

Vinyl sticker

Such stickers are pretty easily. Use the same way with an iron and paper as in the previous case. Only after separating the stickers, the place of its attachment should be wiped with a wool moistened in vinegar or liquid for removing varnish. To avoid damage to the fabric, pre-try using data of the means at such a T-shirt, which is hidden from the eyes.



In the case of applying stickers to the material, thermal printing can be derived using medical alcohol. Estate a t-shirt on a solid surface and a cotton, richly dipped in alcohol, simply by erasing movements remove the drawing. It is important not to rub the sticker, namely to smack it. In some cases, if the cloth is easily deformed, it is necessary to richly moisten the image with alcohol and quickly wipe the T-shirt with a powder. It is important not to give alcohol to dry before washing.


Sticker applied by a special marker or paint

Depending on the marker or paint, an alcohol, acetone or solvent is used to remove the pattern. To determine which to choose a way, try each in some patterns of the picture. Regardless of the material used, this inscription will have to be removed in several stages, be sure to complete every thorough wash things. To remove stains remaining on the site of the former attachment of the stickers, you can use the means used for washing dishes. Mix the spot abundantly, then leave for a few hours and only after post the T-shirt. Similar properties have shampoos for cars, and even equipment for washing windows.


Rhinestones and sparkles

Decorate themselves will not make problems, they can be easily scraped. But in their place remains the remnants of the glue, which they were attached to the fabric. It can be removed by alcohol or acetone. Previously need to check whether these substances do not damage the t-shirt fabric. Separate types of glue are deleted using a versatile agent with a hot iron and paper. Very good with the remnants of glue, the pharmacy "Dimeksid" is coping.


Do not despair if the sticker on your favorite T-shirt has spoiled. Taking advantage of tips, you can easily withdraw it and stick a new one.

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