How to remove redness from acne

How to remove redness from acne

Any inflammation on the face can redden and become very noticeable. The pimples are no exception: sometimes they are difficult to disguise even make-up. As a rule, redness arises due to the increased influx of blood to the place of defeat, your body struggles with microorganisms. Sometimes the girl is ready to wait for the results from the long-term treatment of acne, but if you have a date on your nose, then you need to act quickly. In this article, you will learn express methods to eliminate the redness and pimple size, as well as long-term methods to remove redness for a long time.

Apply Loda

The easiest and most famous method is cold. Ice will reduce the temperature in the place of redness, and the influx of blood will slow down. It is very effective, but the next morning you will see a red pimple. Therefore, it is better to apply such a trick only for an important meeting or a date, but not to remove redness in the future.

Tablets aspirin

This miraculous pill will help to cope not only with heat, but also red spots on the face. Take two spoons and squeeze the tablet between them. Drip on it with water and make a paste. This composition is applied to redness for an hour.

Of course, the effect either will not last long, but aspirin will promote healing. The next morning you can not discover the pimple at all.

Vaconishing drops

Another use of medication from your first aid kit. Drops act on the principle of ice: the vessels narrow and prevent the stormy influx of blood. Lubricate the place will have time in half an hour, so as not to let the pink shade appear again.

It is impossible to use this method, since the skin quickly gets used to active substances in the drops and ceases to respond.


Some girls know this method since childhood: a mentholic toothpaste can save you from a pimple for a few hours. If you apply it for the night, then in the morning inflammation and redness will be completely. You can apply for small acne to the paste for 2-3 hours.

After that, the pimple will be land, use the cream to get the skin.


Of course, correctly chosen tools of decorative cosmetics will help you disguise stains.

  • First of all, pay attention to green conservalers. It is green that is used in make-up when you need to disguise red spots. If you often suffer from pimples and pigment spots, then you need to buy such a consileter for the future.
  • On top of the consilert, it is better to apply a dense tone base with a high degree of coating. Translucent and light fluids and SS cream will not be able to disguise the imperfections of the skin.

Chamomile and lemon oil

This is a longer method, but effective. Apply a mixture of these oils for the night to a problem area, and repeat the morning. Please note that it is not recommended to carry oil to the whole face, many of them dried the skin, and not moisturize, contrary to popular belief.

In order for the oil longer, drip it onto the vaccine, and then stick to the voyage by a hypoallergenic plaster.

Emergency Method - Antibiotics

Antibiotics actually act not only when taking inside, but also as a leather paste. Many potent drugs in a pharmacy from acne contain amoxicillin in their composition.

Buy pills amoxicillin and scroll them in a spoon. Mix with water or salicylic acid and point to a pimple. Do not distribute all over the face, because this powerful tool dries the skin.

Such a composition will relieve you from acne very quickly and for a long time.

If you have time, it is better to give preference to gentle methods: oils, vitamin E, aspirin.

Comments leave a comment
Kristina 05/31/12 at 13:52

On the pimples sticking patches of serangements. They remove inflammation, purify pores. And at the same time there are hyaluronic acid in them, so that they do not drown the skin

To answer
    Anna 07/18/2019 at 16:48.

    How to use them? For a long time you need to glue and how quickly they help? And then how menstruations begin, so immediately acne pop out

    To answer
      Kristina 07/19/2019 at 16:51

      I glue them for the night. There is no such red and huge pimple on the morning)) I also have such a problem with my monthly.

      To answer

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