How to remove cellulite on the pope

How to remove cellulite on the pope

With age, almost any girl faces the problem of skin irregularities on the buttocks and hips, which is otherwise called cellulite. Not always in the fight against imperfection help beaten ways, and in fact everything turns out to be much more difficult. Much depends directly from your health - if a lot of water is delayed in the body, you suffer from treasures, then cellulite is only a symptom of this unpleasant phenomenon. However, nature takes the top, and women's hormones, one way or another, affect women's skin. Already after twenty-five years, most women are faced with a notch. In this article you will learn how to really cope with cellulite and maintain the skin smooth.

How to remove cellulite on the pope - exercise

Perhaps this advice is already pretty tired of you, and you heard him many times, but the truth is not going anywhere - a healthy skin, a beautiful slender look and a normal metabolism. You can guarantee only sports. You should not start doing too persistently and actively, because you can not withstand such a regime and throw classes. Take yourself a rule to do exercises always. Sport - part of your life, like food, taking a soul and rest. Choose a pleasant mode and sport. These may be such options:

  • Swimming in the pool 2-3 times a week.
  • Gym.
  • Fitness classes.
  • Yoga or Pilates.
  • Dancing or climbing.
  • All kinds of struggle and battle.

Remember that the exercises must be performed on all muscle groups, and not just on the buttocks. Cellulite will begin to absorb himself as soon as you perform all the steps for this.

How to remove cellulite on the pope - eliminate fast carbohydrates

The main enemy of a beautiful figure and elastic leather is a quick carbohydrate. This is a flour, sweet, fast food. You can find on the Internet a complete list of products that are rich in fast carbohydrates, print it and hang it on the fridge - you no longer use these products.

Of course, you want to eat a candy or a cupcake often, but try learning how to replace sweets:

  • Instead of candies - dried fruits.
  • Casserole or cheesecake instead of a cake.
  • Flour and baking can be replaced with domestic cookies on cereals.

After some time you will get used to and forget about sweets. And the skin will smooth and become elastic.

How to remove cellulite on the pope - resort to wrapping

One of the most effective methods that also belong to the "Express" means of wraps. They drive out an excess moisture out of the skin, thereby smoothing the relief.

It is not necessary to buy expensive compounds in pharmacies or a cosmetologist, you can prepare a mixture of the house:

  • Take dry laminarium in the pharmacy. It is algae, which are dried and chopped into small pieces.
  • Spare laminaria in hot water until it becomes soft and does not increase in volume.
  • If you have a blender or mixer, you can erase oranges in mashed potatoes and mix with laminaria.
  • If there is no such possibility, then we split the white clay powder from the pharmacy and mix with algae.
  • Lock the mixture into problem areas of the body.
  • Wrap them into the food film.

Such wraps are better to withstand half an hour and more so that the effect is as much as possible. It is necessary to make them no more than two times a week, periodically changing the compositions.

How to remove cellulite on the pope - take care of your health

If you started tormented cellulite suddenly and very much, then the whole thing can be in the processes of your body, for example, a failure in a hormonal background or a fluid delay in the body. You may eat too many salty foods - salt delays water.

The best solution in this case will be timely appeal to a specialist who will hold a number of mandatory analyzes. It is better to be renewed in advance so as not to miss sight of important violations in the female organism.

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Elsa 11/10/2018 at 7:51

I disappeared with cellulite after I lost it, and this is a sport, and the proper nutrition and additives (L-carnitine Sport expert accepted and caffeine) - Prohibitions are now excellent-tightened and beautiful, which cannot but rejoice)

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