When you use the services of Sberbank and electronic wallets, it is much more convenient to replenish and output funds using a bank card. It takes quite a bit of time, allows not to stand in long queues and free yourself from sudden commissions for services. Try to learn several ways from this article, and then decide for yourself, which is more convenient and more profitable for you.
How to translate from Sberbank to kiwi through my personal account
This method is distinguished by the Neval Commission. You will need only access to the Internet and the availability of the phone to which the bank card is tied.
- Log in to the QIWI system by clicking on the blue "Login" button. Enter your phone number and password that came up with yourself during registration.
- Once in the personal office of the electronic wallet, click on the link "Replenish the Wallet" under the search string.
- Among the proposed options, select a "bank card" in the upper left corner of the window.
You have left to fill in the purse replenishment form. Specify such data:
- Your number of bank card Sberbank.
- Month and year to which it acts.
- Special CVC code of three numbers on the back of the card.
- Make the amount of payment without taking into account the Commission.
If you want, tick the line "Tail the map to Visa Qiwi Wallet" so that this Sberbank card is the default payment of payment.
You can also add a comment to the payment, it is relevant for those cases where payment is not from your card.
Click "Pay".
- Now the code will come to the phone in SMS, which will be confirmed by payment. Usually, crediting funds occurs instantly, you can track the replenishment in the "History" tab in the upper right corner of the site.
- This method does not have a commission if the amount of enrollment is 3000 rubles or more. Prior to the specified value, the Commission is 1% of the amount.
The maximum amount of translation is fifteen thousand rubles.
How from Sberbank Translate to Kiwi via online banking
No less comfortable and favorable option, however, you should consider that in the Sberbank system it is not always available. For technical reasons, payment QIWI sometimes disappears.
- Log in to the Sberbank website or in a mobile application. Among the set of green tabs, click on "Translations and Payments".
- At the very beginning of the list, transfers will be available to you to go to the sections and payment categories, leaf down the page down until it stops.
- In the section "Electronic products and entertainment", find the line "Electronic Money". Click on it.
- Use the search to speed up the process. Enter the query "QIWI" in it and click the Find button.
- Enter the QIWI wallet number and the amount of replenishment. Payment wallet occurs without commission. Find out what a number in the QIWI electoral system can be reference. How to find out the Qiwi Wallet number.
How to translate from Sberbank to Kiwi through a mobile bank
Any user of the bank card Sberbank can use a set of commands to conduct payments through a mobile phone.
Dial the SMS command on your phone:
- QIWI The phone number amount_Pill
Where kiwi or qiwi is the name of the payment service; The phone number is your number to which the wallet is tied without 8 or combinations +7; The amount of refill is the desired value for payment.
How to translate from Sberbank to kiwi through an ATM
The payment in the Sberbank ATM is somewhat similar to conducting operations in the online banking personal account.
In the ATM, select the "Payments" option, find "electronic money" in it and select QIWI service.
You will need to enter a wallet number, which is the mobile phone number attached to the QIWI wallet during registration. Note that the number 8 or +7 is not put.
You can find out the address of the nearest ATM link.