How to remove the rear view mirror?

How to remove the rear view mirror?

The car - the design is very complex and in order to disassemble the time in it. So, let's find out today how to dismantle the rearview mirror.

Dismantling of the mirror

So, if you decided to independently dismantle the rear mirror you need to remember what it is worth it very carefully and bit off. Any process of this type is risky enough due to the fact that the typical owner of the car can not be able to be able to approach this case quite seriously.

Of course, you can take the car to the service station and there are professionals you organize all this quickly and efficiently, but you want to independently learn to turn such operations, besides for free, so let's understand this process and its possible consequences.

In any case, before performing any operations with the car, it will be necessary to get acquainted with the detailed instructions, and it is necessary to read it very carefully. If you do not like to read, you can even read the video instructions for this procedure. In general, if there is a desire, no problems will arise.

Causes of the need for disassembly

The first reason why you may need to remove the rearview mirror is its deformation (crashed, burst, cracked, etc.). It is also worth noting that the replacement of the mirror may be needed to adjust the angle of the mirror.

It must be remembered that the rear-view mirrors are attached directly to the body of the car, which means that the inaccurate dismantling or the replacement can lead to the deformation of the paint, which means that the appearance of your car will be imperfect and spoiled.

An important nuance - each model of the mirror will dismantle in different ways, but at the same time, the meaning of the process remains unchanged. In principle, the process in question is not difficult and there should be no serious problems in this matter. If during the dismantling process you understand that something went wrong, it is better to provide the completion of the process to those skilled in the art. But with all this, an attempt is not torture, so you need to try and learn.

There are a number of reasons that make the removal of the mirror with necessity:

  • breakdown of selflessness
  • electronics failure
  • presence of rattling and other incomprehensible sounds
  • when need to tint glass
  • if necessary, replace sensors

Despite the fact that the procedure under consideration is not very complex, but for those who do not know, it may seem overly confusing and not under power, so you need to deal with this issue.

If you decide to do everything quickly, then you should understand that such a hurry can lead to damage to the upholstery of the car's cabin or windshield glass.

Remove the mirror in the salon of the domestic machine

It is worth noting that foreign cars differ from cars of the domestic producer, and, categorically, and therefore, the dismantling process in such cars will be different. As for the domestic transport, its owners were lucky more, because a couple of bolts, invented in the 19th century, unscrew very quickly and very simple and bother at all.

So, the process of dismantling the mirror under consideration in domestic transport is as follows:

  • To begin with, it is worth removing the plug, which is available on the bots (in many cars of the last century they are)
  • After the proceeded process, you need to unscrew the bolts, while not forget that the mirror needs to hold his hands so that it does not accidentally fall and did not break down (and this happens.
  • Gently remove the mirror and wipe the place of its fastening on the windshield (for these purposes an alcohol solution is used).
  • Installation of a new mirror of the corrected old one is made in the reverse order, so there is nothing complicated in this.

It is also worth paying attention to the accuracy of fixing the new mirror on the old place. Accuracy is important due to the trace on the windshield.

Anyone, even the newcomer will cope with this simple process.

Replacing the mirror on a foreign car

So, I would like to start with the fact that the windshield on which the rearview mirror is attached directly and may not withstand excessive physical exertion, but in order to remove the mirror, this force will have to apply a vicious circle. That is why this process should be done very carefully and without overdoing. The fact is that cases when the windshield was burned when removing the mirror. Unfortunately, not uncommon.

In most cases, remove the mirror in a foreign car is quite simple:

  • First removed the plastic plugs, for this nothing but your hands do not need
  • Now you need to pull the mirror, and it is necessary to do it towards the ceiling, and the force must be suspended
  • It is necessary to monitor what state is located on the windshield.
  • It should be understood that if you decide to remove the mirror to toned the windshield, the optimal option will be the purchase of a new one, because to dismantle the bracket - the process is complex and not everyone. And, among other things, the imprint on it will remain with any scenario.

If you have a job quite carefully, the mirror ultimately turns out to be in your hands without any deformations, and the bracket remains in its own place. At the moment when you pull the mirror from the bracket up, you need to calculate its strength, because excessive physical efforts may cause the deformation of the cabin coating.

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