If you decide to save time, money and carry out the small repair of the car on your own, then without tips of experienced motorists you can not do. For example, if you decide to repair or replacing the crankshaft pulley and collided with the problem of its dismantling.
Crankshaft pulley assignment
The main task of the crankshaft pulley is the transmission of the rotational motion of the crankshaft to the car serving devices. It is also designed to balancing the crankshaft, and, reducing the resonance from the engine of the car.
Like any other moving parts of the car, the crankshaft pulley flashes that in the end requires its replacement, and, therefore, the need to dismantle.
Where to get started?
To remove the crankshaft pulley, you need, first of all, unscrew the bolt (nut) that fasten the pulley to the shaft. That this stage of work did not take much time and effort, it is important to prepare to it and stock tools. You will need:
- set of autoinstrument
- screwdriwer set
- car Dombrat
- facial or claw key with a "36" connector (or "38")
- reliable support for retention of a car in a raised state
- pipe slice as lever
Factors complicating work
The difficulty of removing the crankshaft pulley is that in order to avoid the spinning of the bolt (nut) while driving and serious breakdowns on the road, it is initially twisted with great effort. Over time, the degree of twist is further increasing due to coking or corrosion. These factors are complicated by the process.
If before starting work, process the head of the bolt (nut) brake fluid or universal now the WD40 helper is to significantly alleviate the process.
If you have the opportunity to spend work on the observation pit, then, for more convenient access to the pulley, we recommend performing work on it.
How to find out, in your attachment of a pulley bolt or nut?
In different models of engines for fastening the crankshaft pulley, either a bolt or a nut. If you have a car with a classic engine layout (rear-wheel drive model), then the pulley is likely to keep the nut. It is the unscrewing nut causes the greatest difficulties, so we advise you to follow our instructions.
Sequence of work
So, if you have all the tools at hand, proceed.
- jack set under the right front wheel and raise the car;
- remove the wheel;
- laying under the auto support so that it would remove the load from the jack and securely fix the position of the car. Use special "hemp" for this, or other structures with a wide base.
ATTENTION! Do not use crumbling bricks, fired wooden bars, etc. Due to the instability of the structure, there is a risk of injury. And this is at best! - remove the engine protection, air filter and the generator belt;
- to fix the crankshaft, remove the cover of the clutch block and the montization of the flywheel's teeth, or put the checkpoint on the 4th gear;
- we are trying to unscrew the nut with the key. If the initial force does not result in the result, we increase the attached moment of force with the help of a "extender" - a piece of pipe, which is on the knob of the key.
If there is difficulties with unscrewing the nut in such a way, then try another: - put the PPC on the neutral gear and remove the caps with the candles;
- install the end or an extension key with the extension on the pulley nut head so that the key rests on the obstacle (spar or floor);
- by turning the key in the ignition lock, apply a short-term pulse for pulley. As a rule, this is enough, and then you can easily unscrew the nut. Do not forget to remove the generator belt.
If the pulley holds on the crankshaft bolt
If you have a car with front-wheel drive and a block is perpendicular to the axis, the crankshaft pulley is held with a bolt.
However, the methods that can be unscrewed, no different from those described.
How to remove shaft pulley?
Unscrewing the bolt or the pulley fastening nut, you remove most of the questions relating to the dismantling, but not the pulley itself, as the item is attached to the shaft with tension. Usually, a special device is used to remove it, which allows you to measure the accompanying effort to avoid skewing and jamming. However, it is possible to remove the pulley without it, using the usual mount. Carefully approach the pulley alternately in different, better diametrically opposite, points, trying to make the efforts to be attached as close as possible to the crankshaft axis.
Whatever way you do not choose, we wish you success and hope that our recommendations were helpful to you.