How to remove shellac at home

How to remove shellac at home

Beautiful and well-kept pens - the dream of every girl. Recently, girls are increasingly choosing the coating with gel varnish or shellac. It holds for a long time, you can pass with an impeccable manicure for almost a month. But the moment comes when you need to remove the coverage and for this it is not necessary to resort to the services of a specialist. You can remove the shellac on your own.

What to prepare for the decay of the shellac

In order to remove the gel varnish from the nails on their own, prepare the following:

  • cotton disks;
  • scissors;
  • foil;
  • oil to mitigate the cuticle;
  • coarse pail;
  • stylus (orange tree wand);
  • special fluid for removing gel varnish or ordinary acetone without additives.

How to remove shellac at home

First you need to prepare: manicure or conventional scissors you need to cut a cotton disk on 4 parts. Each part is for each nogot. Total will need 3 cotton sponge. Also need to prepare in advance foil, take aluminum and durable. Foil needs to be cut into strips to quickly wrap every nail.

And now to the case:

  • The saw blade must be carefully removed the top coating. Very little to just remove the shine. Do not get drunk hard, because the layer of gel varnish is small and to the nail it is easy to reach.
  • We take a piece of cotton disk (by the way, you can use the usual wool).
  • Welcome plenty of the mob in fluid (special or ordinary acetone).
  • We apply a vaccine or disc to the marigold, we try to be only on the nail to the nail and does not touch the skin. If the size is large, you can immediately trim the cat.
  • They put the mob, turn top to the foil so as not to move your cotton disk, moistened in acetone.
  • The foil should fit tightly to the nail and not crawl.
  • You need to wind up all your fingers and withstand 10-15 minutes.
  • Once all the fingers is not necessary to deploy, remove a piece of foil and touch stylus gel nail, it should soften and even a little wrinkle.
  • Now we need to take a special tool (pusher) or the same stylus and gently clean off the soft-touch paint.
  • All that defies have buff polish.
  • And the finishing touch - Apply a little oil to the entire surface of the nail, do not forget about the cuticle.

How to remove shellac without foil

Another way to remove shellac at home, but without the foil. Here there are both advantages and disadvantages. The first - the speed, save time, you can save on materials. And the second - nails may be damaged. And now more about all the nuances of the removal of shellac alone.


  • bowl to fit it with both hands at once;
  • acetone;
  • hand cream;
  • stick from an orange tree;
  • sanding nail file (at the same time buff and pusher).

Removing the paint:

  • First nail file need to try to remove the top layer of shellac shiny.
  • Now it is possible to pour the container acetone and fingers good oil cream (desirable bold).
  • Fingertips dip in a bowl of acetone, need to keep 7-8 minutes.
  • By the end of the 7 th or 8 th minute (it all depends on how many layers of lacquer applied to nails), varnish begins to soften.
  • Now you need to remove the pusher soft shellac, and the remainder can be cleaned buff.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and then apply hand cream.

Useful advice

How to remove shellac yourself, now you know, and these guidelines will help you to maintain the health of marigold:

  • technical Acetone can not in any case use, it can severely damage the delicate skin of your hands;
  • when you remove the cotton pad with marigold, make a few rotational motions, as if removing the varnish with cotton wool. Shellac comes off easily;
  • if there is nothing to fix the cotton pads on marigold (foil over), you can use rubber bands for hair;
  • if you have very sensitive skin, it is better not to experiment, and to sign up for the removal of shellac to the master.

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