How to hide skirt

How to hide skirt

The skirt is half or skirt, tailored by oblique, one of the easiest in the manufacture. Despite the simple and uncomplicated process of manufacture, such a style skirt always remains relevant and in demand in the women's wardrobe.

The pattern of the semi-sun skirt will even be on the shoulder of those who have never taken for a sewing business. Thanks to free form, which does not require an accurate fit on the figure and fairly simple sewing technology.

Measures and calculations

In order to hide the semi-sun skirt, first of all, the measurements should be removed. In this case, only two measurements will be useful: the volume of the waist (from) and the length of the skirt (du). In practice, the full volume of the waist will need to divide in half. On the pattern it will be designated as (st).

Now we calculate the radius according to the formula R \u003d 0.64 (CT + 1), where the indicator is 0.64 the coefficient that is used in the conical skirt sewing, one is 1 cm, an increase in free felting.

Skirt seed pattern

In the event of a skirt, tailored by oblique, you can do without additional paper cuts, and build a pattern directly on the tissue. The most convenient for the pattern, the fabric folded in half an eye as a handkerchief. Important moment: scaling the edges (edges) of tissue with pins so that there are no unexpected displacements that are hopelessly spoil the pattern.

The paths of the waist radius are indicated as t and T1, it takes place through these points, and at the intersection of this line and diagonal, we obtain the point T2. In order to reduce Faldu (the bottom edge of the product), from T2 towards the center 2 cm, the point T3 is postponed. So straighten the waist line. We connect points T, T1 and T3, we get the final line of the waist.

From the points T and T1, the length of the skirt is measured, it is set to N and H1. In the same way, as in the case of points T, measure and set the points of H2 and H3. Through the finished points, we declared the line of the lower edge of the product.

Mandatory rule, in the manufacture of any pattern, do not forget to make allowances on the seams, podgib, locks, belts and other items, for this, 1.5-2 cm is added to each point.

Considering the size of the fabric, the semi-sun skirt can be tailored from two parts and it will be two-wing. Most often, such a pattern is made for a skirt long below the knees, or skirts to the floor. If the cutting of the tissue is quite large or the skirt will be short enough, then the pattern can be made from one piece, which means that the seam will be one.

Direction of the filament of the base for the pattern of the TSAID Skirt Hollow

In the skirts of the conical shape, Falda look good if the pattern of parts is made on the oblique. Changing the direction of the filaments of the base - will change the position of Foldda.

Faldy formation options:

  • folding formation by side seam, as well as between the middle line of the part and the side seam;
  • folding Fald in side seam and middle line;
  • folding Falda between the side seams and the middle line of the part.

Order of sewing skirt half

  • cut out the details of the future skirt, taking into account the allowances;
  • stroke the seams, pulling them off (suturing seams after the heating, continues with iron);
  • perform the assembly line along the waist input line;
  • cut off
  • to sew a belt (if necessary);
  • give a skirt to hang a few days to stretch the bottom;
  • adjust the bottom of the nose of the product;
  • treat bottom skirts.

In general, to hide and sew the semi-sun skirt is quite simple. Highlighting a little time and showing a drop of patience, you can get an excellent result in the form of a wonderful finished product. Such a skirt will best emphasize your femininity and attractiveness.

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