It is impossible to present business, self-task and promotion of their work without the use of business cards. This is a kind of "face" of the company, because the business card should always be done carefully, attract attention and give the correct information about the company. Optionally, order it in the printing house. You can make a layout on your own: using the Word text editor installed on the computer's computer or online service. But first things first.
How to make a business card using Word text editor?
The Word text editor has excellent functionality, which allows you to make even your own business card at its base. The algorithm will be simple, the main thing is to observe the sequence of actions.
The first step is to choose a background of business cards. To do this, find the network and download a picture on the computer (or use the already saved image). Her quality should be excellent, otherwise the background will be blurred.
Now you need to open a text editor and click "Insert the drawing" directly on the panel from above. Select the desired image, after which it will appear on a white sheet Word document. If the button is not transferred to the toolbar, the path will be like this: "Insert" - "Figure" - "from the file" or "picture".
Now you should reduce the image to the format of the business card. It is necessary to focus on the size of the bank card, then the business card can be placed without any problems in the purse, the business card, etc. To give the desired dimensions, you need to click on the image of the right mouse button and select "Size and Position".
In some versions of the text editor of this item not to find. Then the user still needs to click on the right button, but select "Figure Format" - "Size". It is important to indicate the length of the future business card (8.6 cm) and the width (5.3 cm). You should also remove the checkbox from the "Save the proportions" item. If this is not done, then when installing the parameters, the system will coordinate the parameters.
After that, the image will decrease to the specified sizes and will be like a real business card.
The next step is to indicate information about the owner of the business card. To do this, choose "Insert" - "inscription". Enter important data: surname, name and patronymic of the owner of the paper card, contact phone, physical and email address.
The inscription is automatically framed by white fill. To remove it, you should use the algorithm:
- click the right mouse button on the white background;
- select the item "Format of Figures", and then - "Fill" - "No Pouring";
- immediately in the "Figure Format" to go to the "Line Color" section and choose "no lines".
All that remains to do is to keep a business card. If all the actions done have passed successfully, and the result satisfied the user, then you can safely send a business card to print.
How to make a business card using an online resource?
On the Internet, there are many online resources that can help in creating a colorful and informative business card. You need to choose such a site based on the interface and functional base. "Business cards for free" is the perfect option: a wide choice of features, a simple execution algorithm and no fee.
- As in the previous version, first need to decide on the background. The resource can offer backgrounds to choose from their "bins", and you can download a picture from a computer.
- Then the user needs to enter information. Additionally, do nothing for this: click on the business card and dial text.
- Immediately you can choose the color of the font, its size, text direction, etc.
- On this all the actions are over. It remains only to save work or immediately send it to print.
How to create a business card using the installed program on your computer?
You can achieve your goal if you want to download and install the desired program to the computer. There are also a lot of such, but the "Master of Business Cards" is very popular - simple and affordable utility.
Installing the program is very quick thanks to the settings wizard. After that, the program will warn the program that the user is a trial version, and will suggest activate the full option for a fee. It is not necessary to do this, because even the trial version is enough to fill the whole business card reader.
The utility offers several options to choose from:
- create a business card from scratch;
- take advantage of the template;
- open an option created earlier.
- The first option will make it possible to work using all the functions of the program. By choosing the "New Business Card" item, the user will be offered another choice - its type. You can choose an option for an organization, a person, a business card with a minimum number of information, etc.
- After that, you need to set the format. Size can be driven into manual or simply select the "Standard Business Card" position.
- Now you can do the design: choose the background, texture, you can insert additional drawings, etc.
- The program allows you to even insert the company's logo. To do this, select the "Logo" function - "from the catalog".
- If the user liked the user, you can save a business card (the list of different formats is given) or immediately print it.
The creation of your business card is important and responsible. This is a kind of "face" company or a specific person. But the seriousness of this case does not mean that you need to run to a specialist. You can make a business card at all by choosing a convenient option.