How to make a horizontal bar

How to make a horizontal bar

To stay in good shape and develop the muscles at all, it is not necessary to regularly visit the gym, because you can choose an active recreation to yourself. Various shells, bars, horizontal bars and Swedish walls are good for this suitable. The main plus is mobility. Such projectiles can be installed in their backyard or in a spacious room in the house. Children will especially like the horizontal bar, because it can be hung, tumbling and swaying. The hostel's benefits are for adults: learn how to pull up or relax the spine, just hanging on the crossbar. In this article you will find instructions for creating the horizontal bar at home and on the street.

Where better to install the horizontal bar

Ideally, the horizontal bar is put on your backyard in a remote place, where there are no objects within a radius of three meters. For security reasons, it is better to think in advance whether a cat or a dog can run there - it can end the injury for a pet.

Under the legs, you should not have land, otherwise over time it will see the level between the crossbar and the floor will become more. Ideally, when a lawn is under the horizontal bar with a small grass or an artificial surface with a rubber crumb. So you will not slide and reduce the risk of getting injury.

If you live in an apartment and you can not put the horizontal bar, then for you the ideal solution will be wooden doorways. They can be inserted by the crossbar, which will also be a horizontal bar. It can be tightened, and children will be able to hang up to remove the load on the spine.

How to make a wall horizontal bar

Another variation of the horizontal bar for an apartment or a wall of the house is a wall horizontal bar with bars. If you take care of the metal strength in advance, then such a horizontal bar serves you for a long time. Moreover, it can be twisted and hang in another place when it will be necessary.

The drawing shows four types of horizontal bar from all sides and the number of necessary pipes. It is enough to collect all the necessary components and weld them in red seams. Welding keeps tight, the optimal diameter of the crossbar for the whole family is 27 millimeters. This is the Olympic Standard and is used everywhere.

The drawing is similar to the previous one, but to fulfill such a horizontal bar. It is made of chromonichel steel, welding such seams much more difficult and almost impossible if you do not have a welder experience. However, the design is more reliable and serves you about seven years without problems.

How to make a horizontal bar on the street

Street horizontal bar requires much more trouble:

  • You need to slain the base under the pipe by adding a little gravel into it.
  • Soil near the pit is treated with anti-corrosion composition.
  • For greater reliability, concrete jumpers are used, which are welded from metal. If the horizontal bar you do for people with weight less than a hundred kilograms, then the jumper can not be done. Much depends on the soil. The loose soil will become soft and will not stand concrete.
  • The horizontal bar himself is welded from steel pipes, the wall thickness of which should be at least three millimeters.
  • The distance from the tube to the pipe should be equal to the length of the crossbar.

First dig holes with a depth of 70 centimeters under the pipe. Treat the soil with the composition and well jump pipes. It is better to bury them to sand, and then pour concrete with small gravel in the composition. Building levels, check how exactly the pipes are located. They must be extremely vertical.

Thin, but strong pegs are installed in the pipes, then everything is welded with the crossbar. The diameter of the crossbar, as already mentioned, ideally is 27 millimeters.

The design will dry two days until the concrete hardens.

Pipes must be with thick walls, since when performing some exercises, the load on the horizontal bar increases three times.

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