How to make a floor lady do it yourself

How to make a floor lady do it yourself

Good ideas come during work. Sometimes it is worth it to work, and they sprinkle, Like a hail. For crafts, different primary means and natural materials are used. Dry bare branches, old knitting threads, tree bark, and even nobody needed plastic kitchen utensils are going to work. Every hostess of his house most likelyAlways dreamed of interior design with memorable elements. Torsher, decorated with his own hands, thereby be the very unique addition.

How to make a floor lamp with your own plastic spoons

Materials for lampshar:

  • Pure plastic balls.
  • Mock with new blade and scissors.
  • Plastic spoons are disposable, any color you like.
  • Glue quick-drying, must take plastic.

The working process:

  • Using the layer in the Baklach, the bottom is cut down, as well as the neck. The width of the neck is selected relative to the place where it will be fixed.
  • If desired, the spoon is painted from the canister. These are engaged in the first stages of the development of a flooring on the balcony or on the street so as not to blur the paint room.
  • Plastic spoons are unpaid. Each spoon is partially removed its leg. You need to leave one plastic centimeter for convenience in further work. All spoons are made in the same length.
  • Foots from spoons do not necessarily throw out. They can be used to decorate a new craft.
  • Starting from the bottom of Niza, the remains of spoons are glued along the edge of the cormorants. A series is smooth and evenly located.
  • Spoons are arranged depending on which drawing should turn out at the very end. The easiest option is the ornament of fish scales.
  • If the decorations for the decoration are not enough, other elements are added, for example, multicolored stones, beads.

Materials for the rod:

  • Hacksaw.
  • Stapler.
  • The hammer is small.
  • Nails and selflessness.
  • Plastic tube or wooden stick of small diameter.
  • Electric cord, plug, cartridge, switch, light bulb.
  • Wooden circle with a pipe hole, it can be ordered in any turning workshop.

The working process:

  • It should be decisled with the size of the pipe that will perform the role of the bar. Crop her with hacksaw.
  • Next, the pipe is trying on the hole on the flooring stand. If everything is in order, you can proceed to further assembly.
  • It is necessary to think about how the electric cord will be attached on the rod. Alternatively, gently nurtures brackets from the stapler.
  • Together the whole system is going - fork, cord, switch, cartridge and light bulb.
  • A lampshade is composed with the base for the lamp.
  • Floor barbell will also serve a tripod made with its own hands from metal or plastic.

How to make a floor lady with your hands

Materials for lampshar:

  • Thick threads selected in a suitable range of interior.
  • Rubber ball in the size of the future ceiling.
  • Clay wallpaper or made with your own hands from water and flour. If the ball is used instead of a ball, then it is winding with a food film that is thrown out at the end.
  • Brush for glue.
  • Glass with water for brushes.

The working process:

  • The ball is inflated to the desired size. The glue is applied with a tassel on the surface of the ball. The pile must be soft, in order not to make a puncture. When working with a ball, the danger of puncture disappears.
  • After the glue is applied to the ball, threads are neatly wound. Circles should work chaotic, but pleasant to look. It is not recommended to surpage threads in glue, as the color of the threads will change. Between the threads, the distance for freely passing electric light is distinguished.
  • The treated ball hangs up to the complete drying of the glue. Next, you need to burst this ball and pull it out of remnants through the biggest hole, in order not to damage the design itself. Now the threads independently hold the shape of the ball.
  • Such a lampshade for lamps are light-wave, so the assembly passes quite carefully and thoughtfully.

Materials for the rod:

  • Thick wire.
  • Pliers.
  • Mock.
  • Finished rod from the old floor lamp.

The working process:

  • A barbecue from the old floor lamp is suitable for such a design. The leg decorated with natural materials such as dry twigs or tree bark. The branches are cleaned in a random manner, glued on thermocons or tied with threads. You can use postal threads suitable to the tree in appearance. The bark is also divided into pieces and is either glued, or is primed up with threads.
  • You can come up with a ring in the size of the diameter of the incoming light bulb with a cartridge. The ring is installed on the rod. A hole is cut into the ball, which is suitable in the size of this ring. The ball is installed on the ring.

Designer fantasies, embodied in life will certainly delight children and adults. Working interesting crafts, it is very easy to pass free time and add your dwelling a little comfort. Do not change an important idea of \u200b\u200bsuch cottagecrafts are safety. Therefore, to the installation lightweight The lamp must be suitable with full responsibility for the safety of their home and, perhaps, someone's life.

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