How to make luminous paint?

How to make luminous paint?

Paint, glowing in the dark - a popular way to decorate and decorate your home. Glowing paint covers the walls, apply fantastic drawings on furniture, decor items, creating a unique fairy-tale atmosphere in the room. Luminofor can be purchased both in a specialized store, and prepare yourself.

How does glowing paint work?

Luminescence is the physical ability of objects to the luminescence in the dark. To achieve this effect, the object is covered with special luminescent (self-driving) paint. This coating is able to accumulate light energy throughout the day. Upon the occurrence of darkness, fluorescent paint is capable of glowing from 8 to 12 hours in a row. The duration of this physical process is up to 30 years of constant cyclic accumulation and impact of energy.

How to make luminous paint - preparation

Luminescent paint for dwelling decor can be easily made at home. Previously, it is necessary to purchase the following ingredients:

  • phosphor (can be made independently);
  • acrylic varnish and solvent;
  • color paint acrylic;
  • coniferous concentrate (sold in a pharmacy);
  • boric acid - 2-3 g

How to make a luminophore independently:

Luminofor - a special phosphorescent pigment, harmless to humans, is able to accumulate and highlight light. It can be made of coniferous concentrate:

  1. Pour boric acid in dishes and add coniferous concentrate (10 drops).
  2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of water. Stir the resulting mixture, put on fire. In the finished form, the mixture becomes yellow.
  3. In the process of heating, the liquid will begin to highlight air bubbles. Pierce bubbles with a sharp object.
  4. As soon as the solution is melted, turn off the fire.
  5. Cool the mixture. Repeat the entire procedure again.
  6. As a result, you will get a tartrazine - a yellow dye. After complete cooling, scroll the resulting material into powder.

The process of making luminous paint

  1. In the prepared packag, pour acrylic varnish. And make a luminophore. The mixture should consist of 2/3 varnishes and 1/3 of the luminescent pigment (phosphor).
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of solvent for paint.
  3. Add the desired paint color (color saturation, see your taste).
  4. Mix the solution thoroughly before receiving a homogeneous color of the paint.

Rules for applying luminous paint

When staining the surfaces of paint containing a luminescent pigment, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Mix the paint thoroughly (the phosphor has a property to descend to the bottom).
  2. Before staining, wipe the surface of the product. It must be as dry as possible and clean.
  3. To achieve the best result, apply the second layer of luminous paint. The interval between staining should be at least one and a half hours.
  4. Performing painting, you should not neglect the means of individual protection (gloves, respirator, glasses).

Where does the luminous paint applied?

Paint with luminescent pigment durable, does not require much care and has the property to cause delight among others. She gained special popularity in different applications:

  1. Luminous paint - a decent alternative to night lamps. Furniture, items, walls with drawings, glowing in the dark, illuminate the room with a lightweight loss and create an unusually magical atmosphere of calm and comfort. However, it is necessary to remember that such original lighting cannot be turned off. Use the luminous paint in the bedroom should be careful.
  2. Paint, luminous in the dark, is indispensable for decorating children's rooms. In such a room, the kids sleep calmer and feel safe.
  3. Fluorescent dye is often used in landscape design for decorating arbors, fences, shops, stones, fencing flower beds and flower beds.
  4. The property of fluorescent paint glowing in the dark is used in creativity: to create aquagrim, in body art, printing, for decorating clothing and shoes.

Luminous paint - original material for creating exclusive decorative effects. With it, you can change the boring interior and show fantasy!

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