Flowers made with their own hands are becoming increasingly popular in the world. It can be growth flowers, or paintings from satin ribbons, amazing and fabulous flowers from Foamiran - they all will cause the same delight. Even made with amazing grace of Origami flowers will be able to decorate a lot of shelves. But what flower without stem? What makes the stalks of girlfriend need to sort out the technologies x creation.
Corrugated paper stem
Corrugated paper is one of the most common materials that masters are used to make artificial bouquets. To give the man-made flowers with stems need:
- Colored Corrugated Paper Rolls
- Wire
- Cardboard
- Glue
- Scissors with a battle knife
- Threads with a fishing line
Production process:
- There is nothing complicated in the creation of the boutonniere. A leaf pattern is made from cardboard, then up to 20 leaves from corrugated paper, changing their size. Then the boutonnieres twisted up to 5 petals together and tightly tightened. The rest glue over, stretching and flexing so that the paper blank has more and more resemble a flower.
- After that, start creating a stem. It is prepared from the wire. If it is not, then the floral sleeve or the usual branch with cropped side sprouts will be consolidated. The material taken is cut, determining the length of the stem.
- Then over winding green corrugation, hiding the natural color of the stem. If there is no corrugation, there is a cloth or colored paper. Of them, the leaves and processes are formed. The leaves are cut on the pattern and glue on the cardboard. Process and spikes naturally look when made of wire.
- In the final, the stem is still a little bit from both sides.
Stem from ordinary paper
Typically, growth flowers are so lush and huge that they are literally not visible to the stems. Nevertheless, they are and they are strong enough to withstand the weight of huge colors. For their manufacture, you will need:
- Wire
- Tape ribbon green
- Paper towel
- Toothpick
Process of creation:
- At first, a portion of about 40 cm is cut off the wire. Then they take a sheet of paper A4, fold it fourly and cut into oblong stripes. The toothpick is wetted with glue, it is applied with it a little glue to one end of the wire and begin to wind up paper ribbons, rotating the wire itself in the hands.
- When the first ribbon comes to an end, its end is a plow-glue, an end to another paper tape is pasted on top. Having reached the opposite end of the wire, it is simply deployed and will continue to wind the paper over the already glued. Paper glued in 3-4 rows, after which all the ends of the paper tapes are securely fixed.
- Then over the paper is screwed by TEYP. The end of the tape is pressed with fingers towards the end of the wire. The tape is tightly stretched and glued, rotating the wire as well as the paper tapes were rotated. And the teyp is glued at 3-4 layers. When this is done, the end of the tape is trimmed tightly adhesion to the tip of the wire. Flexible and reliable floral stem is ready.
Stems from the wire
Stems from such a soft material are not designed for weight of heavy buds. But peonies and chrysanthemums look at them very naturally. The firm plus of this material is that of them are excellent multicomponent stems with many sprouts. To create stems will need:
- Several wire segments up to 50 cm long
- Scissors
- Kusachachi
- Taplent green color
- Cold porcelain
- Acrylic spacure
Production process:
- The wire is used by certainly in the shell, cutting it out where they are going to attach a new branch. Begin production from cutting from wire arbitrary segments - stalk blanks. Then, on the main, the longest segment is cut off the soft shell of about the insertion.
- On a less long segment, the soft shell is cut closer to one of the edges. With these places, two wires connect and clutch the clutch tape tape. When it is wound enough, the place of the joint is smeared with glue and dry well.
- After that, the clutch space is lubricated with a thin layer of a cold porcelain, which freezes and gives a stiffness to the need. All irregularities on the stem are aligned with a wet finger.
- When china dries out, the entire stem needs a primer. Acrylic putty is diluted with water in equal shares and the stem is missing. If several sprouts were planned on one stem, then previous actions are repeated to the primer stage. When the putty will freeze, stem paint with acrylic paint.
The form of such a stalk is attached to the primer or in the process of drying it.
In the creation of the stems with your own hands there is nothing complicated. This is not a time-consuming, which does not require any special skills. The only thing that will be needed from the master is the perishability and some dexterity of hand when handling paper in the process of winding it on the stems.