How to make lemon juice

How to make lemon juice

Lemon juice can be bought in the store - there it is sold in bottles. But in order to save or if it is not on sale, juice can be made independently. At the same time, it can be absolutely natural, i.e. Squeezed from lemons, and can be made of improvised products. The second look in culinary products is not worth added, but in everyday life it can be used.

Application of lemon juice

Lemon juice is a universal seasoning for various dishes. It is added to salads, they flavory desserts, with the help of juice marinate meat and splashes fish when baking. And the juice of this fragrant citrus is an indispensable ingredient in the manufacture of refreshing lemonade and exotic cocktails. Also, the juice helps to withdraw some stains, whiten the hands, refresh the air.

How to make lemon juice from fresh lemons for use in cooking

To extrude juice, you will need a manual or mechanical juicer for citrus. If it is not in the house, you can use the fork.

  1. Ride lemons on the table, pressing on them with their hands. This procedure will allow you to burst into internal partitions and membranes and juice you can squeeze a lot.
  2. Throw the lemons with boiling water and wipe off the napkin. Hot water also contributes to a greater branch of juice.
  3. Every lemon cut into two halves. Scroll do not along, but across the fetus.
  4. Each half install on the cone juicer and turning the lemon around the cone to squeeze all the juice from it into a special container installed at the bottom of the juicer. To squeeze the juice fork, place it in half the lemon and holding it still in hand, rotate inside the fetus fork. Collect juice in a bowl.
  5. Calculated juice strain through the siete to remove possible bones.
  6. Freshly squeezed juice immediately let it into the case or break it into a bottle and store no more than two days in the refrigerator.

How to make lemon juice from citric acid for use in everyday life

In stock hosters in the cabinet there are always citric acid. It is very easy to make lemon juice for household needs.

  1. Take a clean and dry ceramic or glass cup.
  2. In a cup, place one teaspoon of citric acid. It is tying to a spoon without a slide.
  3. Bring water to boil about measuring it exactly 3 teaspoons.
  4. Hot water pour to citric acid and mix the mass to completely dissolve the grains. Stirring spend the wooden skewer. If you do it with a regular spoon, the solution can purchase a dark shade.

How to make lemon juice from citric acid to replace them with natural juice in dishes

It happens that I really want to twist the salad with fresh lemon juice, and the lemons in the house did not turn out. Then you can take advantage of the following recipe:

  1. Put a teaspoon of dry lemon zest in a glass and fill it with 50 ml of hot water. Give the zest to completely soften. She will give water its fragrance and yellow color.
  2. Perfect the water-smelling lemon through the siete and again heat it, but not to a boil. It is better to make it in the microwave furnace so that the liquid is in a glass cup. On the board, set the time "30 seconds" and the power "500 W".
  3. In a hot fragrant liquid, put a coffee spoon with citric acid and stir the contents of a glass with a wooden skewer.
  4. Give the juice substitute to cool and add it to a salad refueling.

This so-called lemon juice use only those dishes that will not be subjected to additional thermal processing. It can be salads, lemonades, cocktails, cold sauces for fish and meat.

Today's market offers many useful gadgets that facilitate work in the kitchen. One of them is a special silicone press for extrude juice from lemon or lime. How it works, look at this video.




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