How to make a bunk bed

How to make a bunk bed

The need for a bunk bed is often dictated by a lack of space in a particular room. In turn, the bunk bed is not only a compact solution for a large family, but also a really interesting object for children.

Predit to make such a bed will not create special difficulties. It should be understood that the design of the ordinary bed is elementary, and in the case of a bunk, everything is only slightly complicated.

How to make a bunk bed - selection of materials

In the case of a choice of basic material to create a bunk bed, a huge freedom of action is obtained. Often, the following resources are used:

  • wood array;
  • MDF;
  • timber;
  • furniture shield;
  • Chipboard.

The choice of one or another material is not fundamental. Practice shows that it all depends on the monetary budget and the desired external result. Obviously, on the basis of a woodwork, it is possible to make a truly beautiful and durable bed, while the use of lumber allows you to significantly save on this process.

How to make a bunk bed - a combination of wood elements

Before assembling the bed, it is necessary to decide exactly how to connect wood nodes. This can be the connection "hardwood", "in the paw". A complete cutting can also be used, not complete cutting and a connection based on the steel corner. In some cases, it is possible to use rectangular swords, a swallow tail connected or a native spike.

How to make a bunk bed - design options

As for specific solutions associated with a bunk bed, you should pay attention to the enormous number of options in the World Internet. Practice shows that the choice of owners is limited only by the dimensions of the bunk bed. Accordingly, we are talking about width, height and total length of the design. As part of a room or another, there may be significant limitations from which it should be repeated in this case. Below are the simplest and tested bunk design time.

Separately, it must be said that sometimes completely incredible projects of bunk beds come across, which are real works of art. It is worth understanding that the complexity of such works is more than high, so often it makes sense to pay attention to classical projects.

How to make a bunk bed - assembly components

  • First of all, the head of the head of the head and squinting. These are similar elements of assembly that limit the position of the person disposed in bed. Here you will need to use the wanks for connecting the stracks of the plank and the crossbar. You can also use lateral planks to increase the stiffness of the structure. PVA glue is used for reliable fastening.
  • The carrier frame is an essential element due to which the stiffness of the structure occurs. The carrier frame consists of four prepared boards that are additionally screwed by screws to the middle of the thickness of the board. Directly between the bars will be laid transverse rails that are the basis for the mattress.
  • Next follows a staircase and fence. The railing is a board with a sample for mounting based on the finished frame. Places of fixtures of steps need to be chosen in such a way that there is no coincidence with the carcass screws.
  • Build frame. Here there is a compound of elements of squaring and headband at the bottom with the boards of the carrier frame. All this is carried out on the basis of screws. Then follow the transverse rails, the holders of the mattress. The extreme holders are written in the corners for tight mounting, they do not need to fix them. Similarly, an assembly of the top of the frame is made.
  • The last stage of the bunk bed assembly is the fastening of the stairs and fences. The task is greatly simplified, given the fact that the fastening is based on the screws. Most often, the fence is made on all parties except the one that is located at the wall - there is simply no particular need.

Completion of work

First you need to handle the wood with sandpaper, produce a rough grinding of the material. When using the bed, various couriers associated with zanozami and other negative sides of the tree may occur.

The wood itself, on the basis of which the bed was created, most likely, it looks attractive, but without a protective layer it will not work out here. It is best to cover the wood with varnish, since the attractiveness of the tree structure remains and the material itself takes a little dark color. It is also possible to cover the paint surface, and here it is necessary to repel from the features of the interior of the room so that the combination of colors and shades was to the place.

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