Probably, at least once every gamer a little scalded and did everything possible to be easier for him to pass one or another game. Let's take a look at how to make a cheat on the game, and will understand this on the example of GTA San Andreas, to be clearer.
Game features
If you play any game for a long time, a moment comes when you come to a level that can not pass, and it is not just annoying, but "infuriates." Today, there are special programs for such purposes (one of the available options is artmoney).
In order for the process of passing the game to be automated. Usually use the trains or cheats, we will talk about the latter. In order for the creation process to be clearer, consider it using the example of GTA San Andreas.
In order for the player to succeed in writing a picture, you must make some changes in memory. If you think it is impossible, because Windows processes from each other are in isolation, and it means that it is not possible to add to the memory system of a different process in fact, it is not true.
In this case, it was possible to use WinAPI and enable the WriteProcessMemory function, but this option is not optimal, so the best solution to this question will be adding personally to the game in the game itself.
Another method is the introduction of the injection into the process under consideration, but in this case there are also its nuances, namely, antiviruses quickly find this kind of fraud and begin to fight them, so that the method considered is quite risky.
It is for this reason that it is necessary to use the software property and search for the library, and start this process stands from the folder in which this program will be launched. Thus, we will be able to calm antiviruses that will not be able to recognize our frauds.
So, we find out what functions the program imports, and from which libraries this process is being carried out. The goal in this case is a library from which the import of a smaller number of functions is carried out and it will be necessary to register a DLL filter.
Create a cheat on the game
Now you need to make the creation of an individual DLL. Immediately it is worth noting that in this case, a function called DirectInput8Create should be exported here. When the user calls it, WWINDows is also automatically called. If such a process does not happen, the game of the game can be broken.
It is necessary to immediately note that the creation of DLL can be carried out on any program language. An ideal option for the situation under consideration will be PureBasic.
When the DLL is booted, AttachProces appears in the system. Thus, it turns out that the DINPUT8.DLL library is loaded here. It should be noted that in this case it is exactly indicated by the boot path, otherwise the library would be loaded independently, and this we need to avoid.
When the library is fully loaded, a pointer will appear on the DirectInput8Create section. It happens that the library loading process may not be completed prescribed, but in this case the system will warn you about what happened. If this happens, the stream (parallel to the process under consideration) is automatically started and the work of the procedure under consideration ends. Such a stream is necessary, because without it the program will "hang." In this process, the game window is searching, and as soon as the desired goal is found (in this case, the window), a timer appears here, and the process under consideration is terminated.
In this case, it would be possible to do without a timer, then the whole process would proceed exclusively in the stream, but in order to protect the entire process in question, you need to modify the memory of the main game stream.
It should also be noted that WinTimer on the timer appears every 0.8 seconds. In the procedure under consideration, the required variables constantly change their meanings. An important point here is a thorough check of address availability before each change.
Created cheat performs the following functions:
- maintaining the proper level of armor
- stable player health
- optimal set of playing skills
- unlimited number of cartridges
- on a player's account, a million dollars, and after zeroing the account by the player, this money appears again and so indefinitely.
The seal in question will be loved for those. Who loves to arrange a slaughter with the police, because even the shots will not be able to pick up life from the player.
Do not forget that from the specified code you need to create a DLL (name which is dinput8.dll) and all this is mandatory in the folder where the game is stored. In order for the code format to be DLL, it will be necessary to stop in the properties on the "File Format" version, as well as Shared DLL. This information should be considered when creating the code under consideration.
Someone considers such a cheat completely unnecessary, because the immortality in the game and the inexhaustible means make the game not so interesting, but sometimes completely meaningless, but here it is already a matter of taste and preferences. If you want to "get around" the rules of the game, creating the considered read to help you.