How to make a chalm with your own hands?

How to make a chalm with your own hands?

Someone can say that such a headdress, as Chalma is already outdated, but in fact, it is he who is in the top on all modes. Chalmi today is used not only as an attribute for costumes and photo shoots. Very often you can meet this headdress on modern fashionistas and fashionable. Let's talk about Chalme today, about its relevance today and how to make it yourself.

Current headdress

In fact, Chalma is a unisex jacket, as you can talk today, that is, we can wear both men and women, only decorated in this case, it will, of course, will be different. From a long time, this journal was carried exclusively in India, as well as in Africa, and after a huge amount of Time, Chalma received distribution worldwide and today is a truly fashionable headdress. Ensure that, you can view the most fashionable magazines of modernity, in which the star known to the whole world is photographed in this headdress.

It is clear that, mostly today, Chalma can be seen on women's heads, but close to the day when the men's fashion will pick up this "new blierry" and all in a row will decorate their head so beautiful and practical.

Remember from historical films, what huge chalms were on the heads at Sultanov, because they had so many jewels, which means they were very heavy, and wearing them were inconvenient. Today you can make Chalma with your own hands or buy in the finished form in any modern headwear store. On beautiful models, there will also be brooches and other decorations, that's just today, this is very lightweight, and therefore wearing it will be solid pleasure.

In principle, in order for your head to decorate the sessions in question, it is not necessary to buy additional material for its manufacture, because the excellent Chalma may also work out of the handker, for example, or ordinary scarf. But it is also necessary to remember that this is too tight such a tide will not be fixed on your head, and every time, removing it, you will be "twist again" before going out again, that is, to do again.

In order to get a beautiful, practical and durable chalm, it is necessary either to buy, or make it yourself.

Knitted Chalma - quickly and just

Let's start our consideration from the simplest and fast way to create a comfortable female chalma. First you will prepare all the necessary materials and tools for this. In this case, we will need:

  • Lesk (it is desirable to take not too thin so that it was reliable enough)
  • Thicks
  • Old T-shirt (it is desirable that she was from knitwear, it is very simple to work with him, and no special skills and knowledge will be needed here)
  • Scissors
  • Free time (if you do everything according to the plan and all the necessary tools will be at your hand, then within one hour you can free yourself, and in your hands you will have a pretty chalma for a female head).

Now that we have materials at hand, proceed to the process of making the headdress under consideration:

  • First you need to pay attention to the pattern. We will resolve the shirt and cut out a smooth piece of fabric from it, which will need to be folded exactly in half.
  • Scissors carefully cut the rectangle, the dimensions of which must be as follows - 30 by 60 cm (these are not exact dimensions, each can be used for themselves personally, but this size has a standard chalma).
  • The edges of our rectangle must be mandatory slightly rounded (it is clearly necessary to round the top of the material).
  • If you have a piece of a T-shirt with stitched edges in your hands), then make this part of the lower part of the future chalms.

  • We now turn to the process of the designer. It is necessary to do this process with a strip, which in turn, was folded twice, and the front side in this case must be from the inside. The lower edge in this process does not touch at all.
  • If you have a sewing machine, then it is best to see the side and with it the top of the chalms, if there is no such typewriter, then you have to do it manually. Doing it on a typewriter, do not hurry after performing a line, turn the thread, because it will need to be slightly sharpening in such a way that the cut at the top and side is surprised.
  • Now the wrong side should be outside, after which it is not ready to wear a bottle to the bottle, it will be more appropriate if it is 3 liters.
  • The next step - we ride the material on both sides and exactly in the middle we connect it (everything should be perfectly the same in order not to spoil the symmetry of the headdress).
  • It's time to grab a small number of stitches received folds on a chalme, after which it will be necessary to capture a piece of fabric that is located slightly lower. And again fix everything made by stitches.

  • Everyone will also need to do with the third part of the folds formed earlier. All your "movements" must necessarily fix thread.
  • The tail that has had to stay after all the operations done, it will be necessary to trim. He is no longer useful for us.
  • Now turn our product and again we put it on our pseudo-dummy. In order for the product to be completed, it is necessary to collect a little tissue on the back of the head (make the so-called, assembly).

So simply you can make your own hands to make practical and cute chalm.

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