The popular social network "VKontakte" was developed by bots that facilitate labor administrators or ordinary VC users. The number of bots grows daily to create it does not need to be an IT specialist, it is enough to have good skills to use the computer, a little in programming language and an irresistible desire to make a group of popular and interesting. In our article, you will find detailed instructions for creating artificial intelligence and how to teach it.
What is a bot?
Simple words, Bot is a special program developed by professional programmers, which can, like a person, to perform simple tasks, for example:
- make a newsletter (it can be spam, party invitation, sale to all or specific users of the group);
- respond to messages (for example, if you are a group administrator that sells things, the bot will write the price if the buyer writes "price?");
- communication (you can create a special bot for conventional communication, which will send funny pictures, memes, etc.).
Why do you need bot
What person does not dream to work for him a robot that never gets tired and does not require salary? Personal bot "VKontakte" will help to fulfill almost all the work. Each active network user will evaluate the working capacity of the bot, since the benefit of it is very large:
- blocks users who do not follow the rules of the group;
- fast processing of messages and comments;
- replies to messages immediately after their receipt;
- filters user users;
- puts huskies, winds subscribers;
- monitors the "order" in the group (removes advertising messages, spam, etc.);
- sends invitations to users to enter the group.
- the bots that are created for the chat are becoming excellent interlocutors (sometimes the user does not even suspect that a program communicates with him; in addition to simple correspondence, the bot will send video, pictures).
Administrators and sales consultants of trading groups have already rated the benefits of bots, since now the computer can receive and process orders on their own.
How to create a bot?
To facilitate labor and save time, we recommend using special programs to create artificial intelligence of your group in the social network. The programs have both free and paid. The first have a small spectrum of skills, but for beginners is the perfect option. Paid programs help create a bot professional.
- the botpool is one of the simplest, moreover, free servers for creating a bot (ideal for groups that are engaged in trading, it can send invitations and communicate with customers);
- robochat - the site will help to create a free bot, which will be reminded of a "living" person to communicate, with all the tasks he will cope excellent;
- brobot is a paid server to create a bot, however, it is somewhat succeeded over his free colleagues; It is perfect for promoted groups and communities, which are rapidly gaining popularity. Bot will actively support the conversation, process messages and comments.
Creating bots through special servers help perform work efficiently and quickly. You can independently make exactly the robot that will be suitable for you. The developer independently sets the intelligence of his bot with which you can communicate and entrust the "lead" your group.
Creating a bot without the use of sites
Of course, the bot for VC can be created independently. However, this is possible not to each PC user. To create a manual bot, you need to know the programming language, in other words, to be a programmer by profession. To make a bot alone, the specialist needs to use the VK API. This is a library that includes thousands of features and tasks, so that the bot perfectly coped with his work.
The way to create a bot VK is not as complicated, as it seems at first glance. This work is very interesting that will help you make a real assistant.