How to make album orientation?

How to make album orientation?

Standard orientation of the Word Text Document Page - Book. The sheet that appears on the screen has a greater height than the width. Little album orientation has other ratios - the width of the sheet in this case should be greater than the height. How to expand the page to have it necessary to look? Word Page Algorithm Depending on the editor used, it has small differences.

Creation of landscape orientation page - Word version 3

  • Open the document and go to the page you want to transform.
  • Allocate the contents of the sheet.
  • In the Editor menu, go to the "File" section.
  • Next click Leaf Parameters.
  • Choose a variant of landscape orientation and confirm the solution by pressing the "OK" item.

Using the page breaks (item "from the next page"), you can form partitions and install the necessary orientation in each of them - a book or landscape and vice versa - in those places where it is required, and how much time throughout the document.

Creation of landscape page orientation - version of Word 7

  • Go to the sheet, the orientation of which you need to change.
  • In the Text Editor toolbar, find the page markup section. You are interested in the sheet parameters (click a small square in the corner).
  • You are interested in the "fields" tab.
  • Go to the orientation point and choose the "album" option.
  • Here you can choose, turn all the sheets (subsequent pages or in general all the pages of the document) or only the selected sheet.
  • Confirm the action by pressing the "Apply" button.

Creating a page landscape orientation - version of Word 10

  • Open the document and go to the page you want to deploy.
  • In the menu bar, find the page markup section.
  • Next click the "Orientation" item.
  • Among the lines of the fallen list, choose the necessary option - "album".

These actions will result in the selected page orientation will spread to the entire document. If you want to go to the landscape orientation into several pages, follow these steps:

  • Install the cursor in front of the future landscape.
  • Next, go to the menu and click the page markup section.
  • In the sheet parameters, we click the item "Rassengers".
  • In the dropping list click the string "Next Page".
  • Next, go to the orientation point and select the "album" option.

If the need for landscape orientation of the page further disappears, you must perform all previous steps of the algorithm and select "Book" at the final stage.

Creation of landscape orientation page - Word 16 version

  • To transfer 1 or multiple pages to the landscape format, use the tab "Layout".
  • It is here that you will find a sheet parameter block and be able to form the necessary partitions ("page breaking" - "next page").
  • Next, go to the orientation and choose the album sheet format.

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