How to make a 64-bit Windows 7 system?

How to make a 64-bit Windows 7 system?

The type of system plays an important role when working with a computer. Since the higher the discharge in the operating system, the more opportunities to work with modern and powerful software. But what to do if the type of system is 32, we will tell you in this article.

Why do you need a 64 discharge Windows?

Computers running with the 64-bit system process more information (requiring more RAM). It is good when working with graphics, video creation and so on.

  • But it is important to remember that in order to put the 64-bit system you need to have from 4 GB of RAM. Since 32-bit systems are capable of processing only 4 GB. While the remaining memory will just stand idle. In addition to RAM, the computer processor must also support greater bit.
  • The 32-bit system has fewer capabilities when working with a computer, since the hardware with such a system is much weaker and of course the information is processed less.
  • For a visual example, it can be said that the 32-bit system, writes data only in 32 existing data cells, and the 64-bit bit in 64, that is, more.

How to check the size of the system and its compatibility?

One of the easiest way to know the bit and compatibility of the system looks like this:

  • Find the icon "My Computer" or "Computer".

  • Press the right button, select the "Properties" item.
  • The "System Type" line contains the discharge of OC.

  • In the line "Installed memory (RAM)" is the number of RAM (if more than 4 GB, then improves up to 64 systems).

The second way to determine the bit of the system (more complex):

  • Go to the "Start" menu.

  • Enter in the "Start Search" search "System Information".

  • If the X86-Based PC is written in the "System Type" line, the OC has a 32-bit system.

  • If the X64-Based PC is written in the "System Type" line, the OC has a 64-bit system.

How are those who have less than 4 GB of RAM?

In this case, I advise you to purchase any platform for RAM, which will give you the 64th bit system.

By purchasing such a platform, also do not forget about other hardware devices of the computer, for example, supports such an OP motherboard.

How to go with a 32-bit on 64-bit?

What to change the type of system and thereby increase the performance of the computer must first understand the technical characteristics of the computer, and they must be such:

  1. RAM 4GB.
  2. The processor supports the 64th bit system. To do this, it will be good to say a special program that will make sure that the system's discharge can be changed.
  3. There are all the necessary drivers.

When all the technical requirements are fulfilled, then you can proceed to changing the type of bit. To do this, need:

  • Reinstall the operating system. Before installing a new OS, it is important to make sure that its type is the 64-bit bit, and also earlier it is necessary to prepare all the drivers for this bit, and before formatting the system disk, it is best to transfer all the data to the removable media (USB), even if Format only one disk, for example C.

  • After the operating system is installed, you must install all the required drivers.
  • Now you can easily install the software that is intended for the 64 digit system.

Unfortunately, there is only one way to change the type of bit - this is reinstalling Windows, since the change in bit is quite complex settings that cannot be changed when working in OS is not possible.

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