How to braid a pig

How to braid a pig

In long hair - women's charm. But constantly walking with loose hair - uncomfortable, with a tail - annoying. Spit is one of the most universal, feminine and comfortable hairstyles. How to heat the braid itself, is it possible to do it beautiful and carefully? Of course.

How to master weaving braids yourself?

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With regard to weaving, it is much clearer than the schemes and drawings, as you will see your hands and hair in motion. First, look at the roller once or twice, then start repeating the same actions by stopping and browsing again.

Train yourself

Do not worry if your first time does not work. The weaving process affects the muscle memory of the hands, and the more you exercise, the better you will have to get. At first, the Spit may turn out to be uneven, with protruding strands, then everything is better and smaller, and for the twentieth time you will see how your hands ourselves got a beautiful and smooth braid until you thought about something.

What you need in order to heat the braid itself

  • Mirror. In fact, you will need two mirrors opposite each other, or a trumulous with side turning flaps. It is necessary to see your head.
  • Chair with a back. At first it is hard for you to keep your arms and your back in an uncomfortable position, your hands get tired. Sit on the chair, throw back on the back, it will be much easier for you.
  • Means for laying, hair polish, comb, rubber bands, hairpins, studs.

The easiest way to weaving pigtails

  • Apply a means to the hair for laying and extend them back.
  • Collect your hair and divide them into three equal parts.
  • Right hand capture the left strand and impose it on the middle. Hold the middle strand with a free hand. Right strand impose on the left and capture it with your left hand. Then continue to weave the braid, overlapping the middle strand from the top of the central and giving it to her right hand, and put the right strand over the central and give your left hand.
  • Hold the strands of the index and middle fingers, and drop the larger and index fingers.
  • Secure the braid with a rubber band or ribbon.

How to braid a pigtail harness myself

Harness to brake very easy and simple:

  • drop your hair and assemble into a high tail;
  • divide it into two equal strands, each twist in the harness in one direction;
  • bind both harness among themselves;
  • fasten fine rubber band.

How to braid a French pigtail yourself

This option hairstyles look very gently and beautifully on long and medium length hair. It is not very simple to weave it, it will be necessary to practice several times:

  • apply a hair product, spread your hair back;
  • on the top of the paint strand and divide it into three parts;
  • pleerate as an ordinary braid by adding thin strands to the right and left. Take strands the same in thickness, then the braid will get neat;
  • at the bottom end weaving the usual oblique or you can immediately fix with a rubber band, leaving the tail;
  • fix the braid varnish.

How to braid a pigtail's pigtail yourself

  • Drop your hair, divide them into two equal parts.
  • From each part, take very thin strands and goss out into the braid. The thinner you take strands, the more interesting you will have a braid.
  • Fasten with rubber band or hairpin, fix hair with a varnish.

Outdoor French braid itself

To add your hairstyle volume you can heat the inverse French braid. Her difference from the classic French braid is that straight should be spoiled from top, and below, putting one to another. Thus, it turns out that braid woves out:

  • apply a hair product, disperse them;
  • separate part of the hair from the face, divide into three strands;
  • do braid, crowded right and left strands from below under central;
  • finish the usual oblique, fasten the rubber band;
  • gently stretch strands with hands, making them volume more;
  • fix the braid varnish.

Weaving There is a lot and if you wish, you can master them to make the most festive and casual hairstyles and weaving. Weaving yourself a little more complicated than weaving on other people's hair. The difference is only in the formulation of the hands and the impossibility of seeing their heads. But if you simply train your hands, the muscle memory will work, and the weaving process will be brought to automatism. You can always look original and feminine.

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