How to restore the old furniture?

How to restore the old furniture?

Today, a fairly popular service is the restoration of old furniture, and sometimes such furniture is more expensive than new. It is worth it to immediately note that the service under consideration is not cheap, so if you want to save, you can try to restore the furniture yourself without any assistance.

To say that this is a simple process, it is impossible, but if you comply with all the rules and listen to the recommendations of specialists, then the likelihood that everything will turn out is quite large.

Pros and Cons Restoration in the workshop

At first glance, it may seem that ordering the restoration of furniture in the workshop is the easiest option, in fact, in order to make sure that, or vice versa, it is understood that an independent restoration is the best option, it is necessary to analyze all the ones of this case:

  • Of course, professional masters will greatly cope with their work and will do it, definitely faster than you. The coatings and forms of furniture will be observed, as it should be (in this case, it is proposed about professional restorers).
  • If you give the furniture to the restoration, you do not have to break your head and spend your strength and nerves on this not a simple process, everything will be done for you, and in the end you will get the desired result.
  • If you organize restoration work at home, then the furniture does not have to disassemble in parts. If you order a restoration, then each item should be transported to the workshop separately, and in fact, the old furniture can not always withstand the next analysis and subsequent assembly.

  • The most important negative criterion in this case is that for all work, transportation of furniture and delivery it is back, you will have to pay, and small, it will be impossible to call this money.
  • There is a lot of mass, so to speak, "pitfalls", in addition to paying the main work with you will require a fee for additional details, tools and material, so restoration work will cost you for a whole condition.
  • Independent restoration does not require hurry and high costs, you yourself owner, and calmly in our individual pace perform the furniture restoration.
  • If after this parsing, you decided to give furniture for the restoration to the workshop, there is nothing to tell here, but if you are ready to try your strength and yourself as a restorer, then we read the article on.

Choosing a place

Before you directly proceed to restoration work, first you need to decide on the place where you will do it all. The fact is that the restoration of time-consuming and not very pleasant smelling process, so there will be a lot of dust, and an unpleasant smell, because here are used here:

  • paint-type coatings
  • protective compounds
  • grinding tools
  • chemical compounds

If such an opportunity is, it is better to carry out work on the restoration in a non-residential room or room, if not, then you have to do one of the rooms with non-residential for the period of restoration work. An excellent place for such cases will be a balcony if it has enough place for this place, but do not forget that there should not be direct sunlight and must be excellent ventilation.

If the rooms in the apartment, house or other room are not so much, then you will have to cover all the furniture around the protective cellophone, film, to after restoration works, all furniture objects were clean and unharmed.

Tools and materials

It all depends on the fact that comfort and convenience means for you:

  • If you need to restore a small piece of furniture, then a manual type tool will be enough
  • If you do not tolerate dust, and it will be much in the process of restoration, then you will have to use the washes.
  • Feeling badly in the presence of sharp and unpleasant odors in the room, then you will need to get water-based mixtures.
  • It is for these reasons that the list of tools that will be useful in the process of work will be individual.

Basic tools and materials:

  • roller and tassels of various sizes
  • paper emery
  • spatula (preferably several pieces of different sizes)
  • stool or Coffee table - Surface for main works
  • grinding machine (if any)
  • electric jigsaw and screwdriver are not basic tools, but in the process of restorations will not be superfluous. If this tool did not turn out to be in the house, you should not run to the nearest store, just ask your neighbors. Will you be able to borrow these devices for a while
  • vacuum cleaner (preferably construction)

Useful advice - In order for the restoration process to become less tedious and long-term, it is better to use quick-dry construction mixtures. It is also worth remembering that the savings on high-quality compositions leads to a decrease in the operation of the furniture and reduces the quality of restoration work.

Restoration work

  1. First of all, we will disassemble the furniture, and at the same time we do not forget to remove all the existing fittings, its presence on the furniture will clearly interfere with the process. Of course, it is possible not to disassemble furniture items, but then, in the process of restoration, the question will be sharp - how to get to hard-to-reach places. Retractable drawers pull out, handles, cut off, and add it all in one place, so that after the end of the work, everything could be quickly found and collecting together.
  2. Get rid of old paint coating. To do this, use several ways - washing, sandpaper and airy dryer. Work is better in gloves, and if there is - protective glasses. It is necessary to work carefully, so as not to damage the wood under the paint.
  3. Removal of damage and deformations. Strongly deep damage and deformations are corrected by putty in several layers (there must be a putty on a tree, do not forget about it). Small scratches and existing cracks can be carefully filled with wax for furniture. Skoli are cleaned by special means.
  4. Preparation for finishing coating. When all defects and irregularities are eliminated, you need to polish everything well and remove the remains of wax, putty, etc. For this case, a fine-grained sandpaper will be remarkably suitable, and the entire flaka that was formed after grinding, remove a damp cloth and leave for a while for complete drying. If necessary - leak up the surface (depending on the type of furniture material).
  5. Finish coating. The way the furniture will look after restoration depends on the selected paint material. If there are preferences to leave wood furniture, then for this, varnishes and oils transparent are perfect. You should not use polyurethane paints, because they will make a tree and give it a yellow shade. If we decided to make the type of wood more with noble, use waxes, varnishes Colored, oils, etc.

After the works produced, we collect furniture and put in our place, a full-fledged assessment of your work will be possible after the furniture will stand in its place and the room will be pure.

The restoration process is quite laborious and difficult, but to spend its strength and time for the expected result, still worth it.

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