How to stretch shoes

How to stretch shoes

While buying a new pair of shoes, they perfectly sat on your leg. But when you first walk in them, you found that shoes are tuned. Do not rush to get upset. There are several effective ways to stretch shoes at home.

How to stretch with genuine leather shoes

Leather shoes are the most practical and made of ecological material. Therefore, you will not have any special problems with stretching a new pair.

  • The most common way to increase the size of the shoe is a daily sock. This option is suitable if you need new shoes for socks only after a certain time. Put the terry sock, then shove the shoes and go around the room. Every day, increase the time of socks every day, and after a couple of weeks you can calmly shove them for a walk along the street.
  • If you need to stretch shoes at a time, then use purified alcohol or conventional vodka. Treat the reverse side of the shoes in the place where it presses on foot. Then put on dense socks and go in shoes a couple of hours. Under the influence of alcohol, the skin softened and after drying will take the necessary size.
  • Table vinegar will have the same effect on the skin as alcohol. But only half an hour will need for the scene. In the event that you will use 9% vinegar, you will spread it with water before applying on the skin.
  • A more sparing action on leather shoes will be glycerin. He gently soften her, makes the skin softer and elastic. After you apply the tool, leave it for 20 minutes and only then wear shoes with socks.
  • Many girls prefer to stretch shoes not to wear, but freezing. This option is suitable for those who do not like to go to the shoes for a long time. Dense package fill with water and put it inwards the shoes. Make sure that the liquid does not learn on the skin. Put shoes for a couple of hours in the freezing chamber. Then just get shoes, you will not need to unlock it.

How to stretch suede leather shoes

This type of leather is processed by a special method, after which it becomes soft and elastic. Usually for the silence of shoes from Suede enough for a couple of hours walking around the room in dense socks. But if this has not enough, then use the following ways.

  • Hold the shoes for a few minutes over the ferry and then spread with socks. It is necessary to do this until the skin is completely dry.
  • Another option to increase the size of the shoes using thermal processing is the use of a hair dryer. Suede skin should be heated during socks with socks. Make this procedure every 15 minutes until you stretch suede.

Advice. It is categorically impossible to apply the methods of stretching suede shoes with moisture, creams and other means with fatty components.

How to stretch artificial leather shoes

Footwear from artificial materials is becoming increasingly popular. It, unlike genuine leather, stretches badly and can burst at any time. Therefore, it is necessary to act very carefully.

  • For stretching shoes from artificial leather, it is good for a fatty composition, for example, vaseline. Apply it to a thick layer on the skin, leave half an hour, then remove the remnants, and spread the shoes with a thick toe.
  • For a longer time, you will need a way to increase the shoes on the size with the help of wet newspapers. Wet paper, squeeze it well and fill the shoes. At the same time, try as you can carefully position the newspapers inside the shoes so as not to deform the skin. Leave shoes for the night or to complete paper drying.
  • Another self-sparing way is the use of cereals. Pour rice or buckwheat inside the shoes, add 1 tbsp. l. Liquid and leave for 10-12 hours. Groats will swell and gradually stretch the material. After the specified time, pour the grains, clean the shoes well and distribute it with the toe.

How to stretch lacquered leather shoes

The lacquered shoes are very capricious for bubble in the home environment, as this type of skin is dense and elastic. When it should be carefully determined to determine the size, as it will be possible to stretch the lacquered skin only a couple of millimeters.

Important! Do not use for stretching lacquered shoes any liquid, especially boiling water. Also, this material does not like sharp temperature differences, which means the "ice" method and hairdryer will not fit.

  • If you still decided to stretch shoes from lacquered skin, then first try to treat the inner surface of shoes with castor oil. Apply it very carefully to the tool does not fall on the varnish.
  • After 2 hours, wipe the lubricated place with a cotton disk and shoes with socks. Go until the result is satisfied. Instead of the Castor, you can use pure alcohol, but only in a diluted form.
  • Special aerosols are the most suitable option for packed leather shoes. With such shoes it is better not to experiment and trust specialists.

To enlarge on one size shoes at home, try one of the proposed methods. If they did not fit you, then it is better to give shoes in a shoe workshop.

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