How to calculate the stairs?

How to calculate the stairs?

Today, the order of construction works is quite serious, you can even say global costs. Which, in essence, having some kind of knowledge and desire, can be avoided. Today we will talk about how to independently calculate the stairs in your home.

General recommendations

The staircase is an important element in bunk, two-storey and more rooms, so it will not work without it. So, the staircase must be constructed so that it is not only beautiful, but also practical, comfortable for all those who will use it.

In modern construction there are a lot of different options and calculations of the construction of a staircase, but, in principle, each of them is based on the same principle, it is the main one. We will consider it today. You should also not forget about some rules that, in definitely, it will be necessary to observe.

The optimal option will be the calculation is not narrow and at the same time. A common stairs, but it is also worth considering the spatial framework, because today in homes. To enormous regret, and even more so, in apartments, not so much space is given to design comfortable. Large staircase.

The key parameters in the calculation under consideration are the following criteria:

  • view of the stairs
  • tilt angle
  • height and width of each of the steps
  • their number
  • lift height
  • square

It is impossible to determine each of them individually. Because all of them are connected to each other. For example, for the staircase single-hour and usual on the area, both the angle of the tilt itself and the height of the immediate lift are affected.

Size steps

The generally accepted parameter of this criterion are the following values \u200b\u200b(H * a):

  • 160 at 300.
  • 150 at 300.
  • 170 at 290.

It is worth noting that in this case the value of H is the rise of the stage, and the value A - the fifth.

This option is considered ideal, but only if the total height of the stairs is multiple each individual step, otherwise, it will be necessary to consider the following practical formula: a- H \u003d 12. This ratio is considered an excellent option for the already constructed structure. Where it is necessary to calculate the convenient and practical staircase.

As for the safety of the stairs, there are also their calculations here. In practice, it has already been proven that the safe staircase will be in the event that the amount of the riser and the width of the adoption will be no more than 45 cm. This may be the amount in the form of: 25 + 20 or 30 + 15.

Despite all the above formulas and calculations. Never forget about the generally accepted measures, for example, in the stairs of one-step within the lower floor there should be no more than 19 steps. By having a SNU, the height of the stage in this case must be 220 mm.

Formula Blondeee

Back in the 16th century, the ideal formula was derived, which the architect was calculated from France. And visually it looks like this: a \u003d s-2h.

In this case, the unknown value remains only S - the middle step, which has a range from 600 to 650 mm.

Everything is quite simple, it remains only to substitute the existing values \u200b\u200b(real measurements) and the case in your pocket, as they say. It turns out that we know the height of the riser and the width of the adoption, but immediately I would like to note that for complete safety and comfort, this may not be enough.

Now it is necessary to take into account such a value as a line of stroke. This concept is deciphered as a projection of a person's movement along the steps. This parameter is required to calculate the ease of use of the handrail. The average value of the stroke is considered to be from 350 to 550 mm.

In the event that the edges of the steps are located in parallel, then the value under consideration can be neglected.

If the width of the calculated staircase is not more than 100 cm, then the line of the stroke will be a similar march line, in case of exceeding the above parameter, the line of the stroke will be shifted directly to the handrail itself.

Lift angle

In construction, it is customary to be considered averaged value of an angle of lift from 25 to 50, the optimal option in this case are stairs, the degrees of which reaches exactly 45 degrees.

The critical height, the value of which is considered to be 200 cm (from stage or protruding to the ceiling) is caused directly by the choice of angle of inclination.

It is not difficult to check the critical height, for this you will need to draw the steps (which are already calculated) on the wall itself, and most often the line from the protrusion to the ceiling ultimately turns out to be slightly less than the initial value. It is for this reason that sometimes it is impossible to design a sufficiently gentle staircase.

If there are no options at all, nothing remains how to design a ladder with deviations from the norms, but the best option is to find another location of the stairs.

Width Marsha

The bandwidth of the stairs is the first and most important criterion that affects the size of the size, that is, the width of the march. If it is easier to speak, then it is the number of people who can go per minute on this staircase, and there is a bandwidth.

According to construction standards, this size should be at least 900 cm, in comfortable homes, this value can reach 15,000 mm.

Despite the seemingly complex design of any ladder, it is not so difficult to conduct calculations, as it could seem, but at the same time. Do not forget about careful request and care. Because in this case, each deviation from the norm even on a centimeter. It may lead to a deplorable outcome and the desired result will eventually be achieved.

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