How the character of Chichikov is manifested in communication

How the character of Chichikov is manifested in communication

With the poem "Dead Souls", Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol meets every schoolboy. It is very important to understand the work in the literature, feel every hero, understand its inner world and character. This is what is important when studying the "dead souls". The main character is Pavel Ivanovich, whose childhood and youth, we learn at the very beginning. The author of the poem presented the main character faceless and without his voice, like chameleon. The character knows how to adjust on any person to achieve its main goal - own well-being. Our task is to understand how the character of Nikolai Chichikov is manifested in communicating with Manilov, a box and landowners.

Character Chichikov in communicating with Manilov

Manilov - "very consistent" a landowner, who is already known in the first chapter of the poem. He has "sweet, like sugar" eyes. Manilaov met Chichikov with a smile. His tone was sweet, but sweetly fake, like his smile, who at least a little painted his gray weekdays. The sweet voice of Manilova is only a way to please the guest. Chischiki is easily conversing a conversation with Manilov about his goal of interest, but Manilov found him as a question "Why are you all needed?". Despite the Snorke of Chichikov, in the location of people, he did not expect such a conversation, so both were sitting with open mouths. Chichikov senses and assured his interlocutor that the deal was legal, and he was right. Chichikov convinced Manilov that this deal would be a huge honor, after which Manilov immediately agreed. Chichikov uttered his sweet speech with gratitude and left, hesitation over the new myths and the profitability of the sale of dead souls.

Character Chichikova in communication with a box

The box is an old economic woman, but is limited and closed for other people. Therefore, that the deal takes place, Chichikov is trying to understand his interlocutor. So he begins to fit into the image of the box and understands that the compliments do not act on it, as on Manilov, and speaks with it only in the case. Chichikov was dissatisfied with her curiousness, because she did not even know that the dead souls can be bought or sell. The box was greedy, and she chose money.

Chichikov's character in communicating with nozdrey

Nozdrev - an unpredictable person, does not control himself. Having come to visit, Chichikova Nozdrev introduces his farm, starting with a stable. Chichikov took it as an explicit boasting, and the attitude towards it was negative. The landowner did not pay attention to dinner and only at 5 o'clock they sat down at the table. Next follows a drink, quarrel between interlocutors. Then they begin to play checkers on the soul. Nozdrev lost, and not recognizing this begins a fight with chikchikov. Chischiki flee. Running, Chichikov can not understand why she trusted this scarlet. But one united them - they both act for their mercenary purposes.

Character Chichikov in communicating with Sobashievich

Sobesevich is rude, capable of curses, loves money. Therefore, at the beginning of the lunch, they had a dispute about the table from the governor. Further, Chichikov declares its goal, but began to speak somehow from afar. He talks about the existing law, but he understands that it will not be possible to talk to the Sobekhevic. Therefore, he begins to speak diplomatic, with some kind of official. Even the word "dead" souls of Chichikov replaces the "non-existent" to give softness and not focus on this attention of the Sobevich.

Character Chikchikova in communication with plush

Plushkin is a spiritually neglected person, quite a meager. Chichikov immediately returns to the action of courtesy and begins to please the landowner, calling it a "venerable, kind old man." However, Plushkin is not courtesy to the guest, not friendly and did not even invite him to the table. Chichikov in thoughts is rejoicing that "Castle Catchevich intercepted". Interested in the souls of Plushin, Chichikov refers to his buddy, but in thoughts it laughs looks like, because I bought them for yourself. Saying from Plushin, in thoughts, he rejoices a successful deal.

Chichikov's inner world remained unknown for us. He never happened anywhere. He is like a professional actor and psychologist who skillfully places people to him. He could not arrange nostride, because he himself is not rude, it is alien to him. Chichikov is ready to pretend for his benefit. It was taught him since childhood. The poem "Dead Souls" deserves our attention, so many vital examples are presented on its pages. It is only worth thinking about what we would recognize in the second volume if it was preserved.

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