As an earthquake occurs

As an earthquake occurs

In times of high technologies, established rhythms of life, people often forget that they do not manage everything to the end. And manifestations of global events such as earthquakes, only in a few cases are truly noticeable. But if this cataclysm still reaches civilized corners, this event can remain scar in memory of people for a long time.

As an earthquake occurs

The oscillations of the earth's surface, as well as underground shocks and there is an earthquake process. Scientists believe that the Earth Cora consists of 20 huge plates. They move with a very short speed of about several centimeters per year on the top layer of the mantle. The boundaries between the plates are often mountains or deep-water gutters. Where the plates are filled with each other, the edges are frozen into the folds. And in the core itself, cracks are formed - tectonic faults, through which the substance of the mantle is seeded to the surface. In these places, natural disasters of earthquake earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. The area of \u200b\u200bdivergence of the shock wave rushes sometimes for hundreds of kilometers.

Causes of earthquake

  • Waves of a large mass of rocks from groundwater impacts are not rarely caused by the concussion of the earth at a short distance.
  • In places of action of active volcanoes, under the pressure of lava and gases on the upper part of the cortex, the nearby territories are exposed to weak, but prolonged jerseks, are often on the eve of the eruption.
  • Technogenic activities of people - the construction of dams, the activity of the mining industry, the test of nuclear weapons, accompanied by powerful underground explosions or by the redistribution of internal mass of water.

How is an earthquake - earthquake foci

But not only the very reason does not directly affect the power of the earthquake, but also the depth of the focus of the occurrence. The very source or hypocenter can be located at any depth, from several km to hundreds of units km. And is a sharp displacement of large solids. Even with a small shift there will be oscillations of the earth's surface, and the range of their promotion will depend only on their strength and sharpness. But the further the surface, the less destructive the consequences of the cataclysm. The point above the hearth in the ground layer will be the epicenter. And often susceptible to the greatest deformation and destruction during the movement of seismic waves.

How does an earthquake occur - seismic activity zone

Due to the fact that our planet did not stop more of its geological formation, there are 2 belts - Mediterranean and Pacific. The Mediterranean stretches from the Stern Islands to the Panama island. Pacific covers Japan, Kamchatka, Alaska, moving on to California Mountains, Peru, Antarctica and many other places. There is constant seismic activity due to the formation of young mountains and volcanic activities.

How the earthquake is happening - earthquake power

The consequences of such terrestrial activity can be dangerous. There is a whole science for its study and registration - seismology. It uses several types of measurement of the magnitude - an indicator of the energy of seismic waves. The most popular Richter scale with 10 ballroom system.

  • Less than 3 balls are registered only by seismographs due to their weakness.
  • From 3 to 4 balls, a person already feels light sickening of the surface. The surrounding situation begins to react - the movements of the dishes, swaying the chandelier.
  • With 5 balas, the effect is enhanced, in the old buildings may appear in the interior decoration.
  • 6 balls can significantly damage old buildings, causing a rattling or crackling of stalk in new homes, but they are already damaged at 7 balas;
  • 8 and 9 balls cause significant destruction in large areas, bridge collaborators.
  • The strongest 10 ballroom earthquakes are also the most rare and bring catastrophic destruction.

Earthquake response tips

  • Living in high-rise buildings It is worth understanding that the lower the person is, the better, but when evacuations cannot be used by elevators.
  • It is worth off the buildings and move away from them to a safe distance (disconnecting the light and gas), avoiding large trees and lines of power transmission.
  • If there is no way to leave the premises, you need to move away from window openings and high furniture or hide under a strong table or bed.
  • While driving is better to stop, avoiding high points or bridges.

Humanity can not yet prevent earthquakes, or even in detail to predict the reaction of the earth's crust to seismic strikes. By virtue of a huge number of variable factors, it is incredibly complex forecasts. A person is successfully protected in the form of enhancing buildings, improve infrastructure planning. This allows countries standing on the line of constant seismic activity, successfully develop.

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