How did the baptism of Russia

How did the baptism of Russia

A variety of historical events of the distant past can be found different interpretations. "The Tale of Bygone Years" is the earliest of the early XII century that came out of the early Russian chronicle. It is criticized due to prolonged writing, a large number of editors and contradictions with testimonies of other works. But such an orphan event, as the baptism of Russia could not be lost in the centuries and make the impression of the general picture of that time is still possible.

How did the baptism of Russia happened - early attempts

The mention of the first Christian preachers in Russia begins at the beginning of the 7th century. There are many historical data that in 860-869, the Varangian Princes Askold and Deer took the baptism from the Bishop of Constantinople, holding the city under siege. But attempts to spread religion caused resistance to the people who had stored faith in old gods. Even in 967, when the ruler became the princess Olga, officially adopted Christianity, Kievan Rus was a country of paganism and was perceived by neighboring states as the barbaric. Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich - Son Olga and the famous commander - also he was a pagan. In this faith, he raised his sons, among whom was the future Baptist of Russia - Vladimir.

The future prince from an early age participated in military campaigns and a little interested in religion, the more so that it prohibited to adulterate and reject violence. According to legend, in every settlement he had on his mistress, but the passion of the conqueror was even stronger. Because of it, the most famous internecine war in Russia began. The killing of his brother Yaropolk allowed Vladimir to take the Kiev throne and to be in the center of world political events.

At the end of the city. Byzantine Emperor Vasily was forced to seek help in suppressing an insurgency raised by one of the military leaders. He found supported in the person of Vladimir, who, together with the six-thousand Corps Varyag, helped win the battle of Abidos in modern Turkey in 989. The friendship of Russia and Byzantium brought the opportunity to communicate with a marriage with the sister of the emperor - Princess Anna. The promise is unheard and the more tempting: to join the dynasty of the Byzantine emperors - the most powerful family of the world, the heiress of Rome's wealth. The case was behind the small, the princess's husband could only be the Orthodox Prince.

How did the baptism of Russia happened - the search for the true path

The decision to adopt the Christian faith was not easy. The evidence was preserved that Vladimir invited Cadi - Muslim teachers, preachers and judges. But Islamic countries led uninterrupted wars with Byzantia, and Baghdad, then, then the center of the Islamic world, was too far away that the union with him gives serious advantages. It was much closer to Khazar Kaganat - a state with a center in the city of ITIL, located in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Astrakhan. The favorable position of Khazar allowed them to collect tribute from the neighboring Slavic tribes and getting part of the production, passing the raids of Russian princes deep into the Arab lands. Perhaps it will destroy him: despite its former power, Kaganat was looted by Prince Svyatoslav. The tale of time years says that the ambassadors of Kaganata could not convince Vladimir to accept Judaism, the ally looked too weak. The center of the Christian world was Byzantia with the center in Constantinople or Tsargrad, as they knew from the Varya lands in the north to the Arab in the south. The One-Divine Union with Byzantia Sulil Kyiv Rus to transform into one of the main forces of the Western world.

How did the baptism of Russia

The reasons for subsequent decisions cause scientists disputes. Some sources say that Emperor Vasily, not wanting to give out sister for the barbaric prince, sends the maid instead. When the deception was revealed, Prince Vladimir seizes the capital of the Byzantine province of Chersonesos and puts forward an ultimatum: to give Princess Anna or the following will fall Constantinople. The princess arrives together with the Christian bishop, who is the baptism of Vladimir, who is now named Vasily, together with most of his squad. Before leaving, the prince lined the church in Chersonese.

The legend says that by returning to Kiev, Vladimir let the mounds in the cities demanding to be on the appointed day on the shore of the Dnieper. There he is with priests and spent this historical move along the river followed by her baptism. The day of the baptism of Kievan Rus is a memorable date of Prince Vladimir Saint and is celebrated annually on July 28. But the transition of the peoples of Kievan Rus to the Christian faith was not sudden and one-time, because Christian communities existed in Kiev since the time of Princess Olga, spreading through the Slavic lands. Only for 988-990. Baptism accepted all the peoples of Kievan Rus.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say that even the episode of these events is clean and peaceful. The pragmatism of the rulers is traced too much. The worldview of people has not changed overnight, and therefore they had for many years of struggle for their faith. But it is impossible not to note the Christianization as one of the stages of the Enlightenment of Slavic peoples. And it is hard not to evaluate its contribution on this path.

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