How to sew oblique bay

How to sew oblique bay

If you know how to sew is just great, because it makes it possible to dress your relatives and close to the original and individual clothes, as well as indulging yourself with new items. It is clear that a person who sews well can also make money well on this. In this case, there is a lot of nuances and very often the needleworks the question arises - how to sew a slanting beyk, because it is often a problem with this stage of sewing.

We make oblique beyk

The cutout of the batch or neck, cuts of dresses and blouses must be edged to complete the product and the simplest method in this case is the sewing of oblique bey. Such processing is a protective agent of the neck stretching, and also makes it a kind of neat and symmetrical.

Needlers without problems can acquire oblique beaks in a specialized store in the finished form, but often it is necessary to make it possible to make the product under consideration. To do this, you will need to use the strips of the vehicle, which will be charged with an imagine:

First you need to calculate the width of the future oblique bay

Now multiply the width twice, after which you do not forget to add a small battery, which will be needed to create a seam, and it will be necessary to do it for both sides.

Thus, you will have the overall width of the strip, it will need to survive on the oblique.

Process nuances

Let's find out in more detail what the oblique beaker is and for which it is needed at all:

  • The oblique beyk was so called, because it makes it out of strips of fabrics, which cut out the formation.
  • In order for the finished product of the strip of the part in question, they looked perfectly and were in a circle, it is necessary to cut the tissue strips on the equity line or on the transverse one.
  • It should be noted that this kind of edging can be processed with exceptionally smooth sliced \u200b\u200bpieces.
  • In order to work out, as it should be, the fabric strips are carved, to begin with, it is necessary to calculate the length of oblique bey (here it is necessary to take into account the length of the throat itself along with the armchair).
  • The next stage in this process is to make marking on the fabric, more precisely, on its inside. It should be borne in mind that their width in this case should be the same.
  • Marking should be performed at a certain angle and in this case this angle should be equal to 45 0.

  • After the measurements made and actions, you can already start cutting the strips. Implement such a process is best sufficiently thin and sharp scissors.
  • In order to handle the neck of such a product as a dress, usually enough will be just one tissue strip.
  • Do not get upset if ultimately there was not enough failed, because it is very simple to increase it and such a process will not cause extra questions and problems.
  • It should be understood that absolutely all components of the oblique beyk must be exclusively at an angle, there should be no direct lines in this case. Even the connecting line will be oblique.
  • Sleep edges of the stratification of stripes should be done at an angle of 45 0. When you run these stripes and connect them to each other, you will have two parts of the fabric, which will be located perpendicular to each other.

Subtleties of manufacturing

It is very important that all edges of the stripes are accurately combined with honey. It should be understood that if you even a little inaccurately connect strips, in the end, one part of the part will be located above another and can be seen it will be very good.

If you even make a neck or, for example, a premium, then the connection method should be similar.

If you think that it is accurate to connect the items between yourself - this is the key to the perfect thing, you are mistaken, because another very important task in front of you is ahead - carefully and correctly carry out the processing of the prey or the neck. The tape can turn out to be smooth, but it is also necessary to sew it so that the product looks very carefully.

In fact, Ideally, an experienced seammy can be perfectly sewn from the first time, so newcomers should be attentive.

When you all the details cut out correctly, stitched together, now you need to fly the oblique bey in such a way that it is twice as smaller, and it should be bent vertically.

It is also necessary to understand that there are several ways to induce the part in question directly, to the neck. Just take the iron and move the strip, if you need one detail if you need two, then it will be necessary to iron the edges on both sides.

Inexperienced handicrafts are often rushing in such matters, considering the retaining is not an important part in the entire process produced. In fact, it is not at all so, because at the stage of the aircraft it is necessary to be neat. Before starting in half the oblique beyk, it is necessary to check the temperature regime, exposed and the iron, because too high the temperature can damage the fabric.

It is also necessary to ensure that when folding with oblique beams in half, everything was extremely exactly, and one item did not look because of the other.

The process of making oblique beaks and its sewing is not a matter of simple, so you need to spend a lot of strength and time in order to make such a procedure.

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