How to take a heiner correctly

How to take a heiner correctly

Heiner - This is a dietary supplement, is made specifically for athletes. Sports nutrition helps many bodybuilders grow out Mass. But in order not to harm its body, you should familiarize yourself with certain receiving rules. Main cast heiner - this is widged Carbohydrates up to 75% and proteins up to 50%. Also vitamin additives, creatine and trace elements. The effectiveness of additives is quite high. Studies have shown that athletes can achieve good results in the mass set.

How to use heiner - fundamental rules

  • Reception heiner Very comfortable, because you do not need to prepare anything. The additive is well complemented by natural nutrition, but it should be remembered that it does not replace it in any way. During an active training, the body uses carbohydrates and proteins. After classes, it is advisable to fill these reserves. The easiest way is the reception of the mixture heiner.
  • Mixture heiner It is accepted immediately at the end of the training and between the main techniques of food. This can be done in the days between training, 2 to 3 times a day. For example, the application scheme heiner: breakfast - lunch №1 –  heiner – lunch number 2. - workout - heiner - Dinner - cottage cheese.
  • Heiner Drink before or after physical training. For example, a portion is drunk before classes heinerfurther at the end of the workout there is a cocktail with serum protein and glutamine. Or 1 portion of the dietary supplement immediately after training, and somewhere after 1 hour a multicomponent food substitute for a low fatty milk is drunk.
  • If training evening or night and heiner It is planned for the night, then you need to know that the method is not suitable for everyone. Namely it is recommended to people with the body. ektomorph, that is slept. The rest is not carried away strongly because accumulated in organism Carbohydrates with reception heiner Do not spend at night and go into a fat layer.
  • Heiner Perfectly combined with creatine, as it is better absorbed due to carbohydrates and proteins in the composition. Also S. heiner Vitamin, Anabolic complexes, protein are used.
  • After training, there must be some time before drinking the food additive. The body is enough to rest for 30 minutes.
    There are two types heiner: Protein I. carbohydrated. Before exercises advise carbohydrated, after - protein.

How to use heiner - adverse reactions

  • These food additives have adverse reactions. The main criterion of negative feedback is the low quality of raw materials. For example, some manufacturers are added to more than 50% sugar. Therefore, you need to carefully track the manufacturer and read the composition.
  • Side reactions - bloating, diarrhea, skin rash. Also with food additives, accuracy does not hurt, because excessive use increases the risk of rocks in the kidneys. We need to calculate portions heiner It is for its weight, the number of days of workouts per week and food techniques for one day.
  • It is impossible to use more additives than it should, since the positive result will not give it, only health problems. 200 g mixes give efficiency No more than 100 g, but can cause adverse reactions.

How to take home heiner

If taken heiner It is not possible, the home option comes to the rescue heiner With good performance indicators.

Recipe home cocktail heiner

Recipe ingredients:

  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Banana - 1/2 h.
  • Lyme juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Cottage cheese S. reduced % fat - 100 g

Cooking process:

  • Milk poured into a mixer. The banana is cleaned from the skin, rubbed on the grater or shallowly cut. Lyme juice is squeezed out. In the main container of the mixer, all ingredients should be mixed up to homogeneity, and the appearance of a small amount of foam.
  • In such cocktails for taste add vanilla or cocoa powder. On the density of home heiner Reminds yogurt.

If you include in your nutrition a regular reception heiner, the result does not have to wait long. Positive changes in the volume of muscle mass will be visible quickly, the muscles will become elastic and tightened. The body will start more actively and to get tired. Well combined with milk, kefir, juices, water. Cannot pour heiner boiling water, since the additive loses its valuable protein properties.

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