How to cook smoothies

How to cook smoothies

The thick nutrient cocktail on a fruit-berry or vegetable basis called "Smusi" is considered not only delicious, but also extremely useful delicacy. Depending on the ingredient composition, this wonderful drink can be used as a light snack or a full-fledged breakfast or dinner.

How to cook smoothies - ingredients

The original recipe for smoothies was extremely simple and laconic - fruits and / or berries were grinding together with ice crumbs in a blender and filtered the resulting mixture into a high glass glass. Today, the preparation of a useful cocktail is an infinite author's experiment: in search of new tastes and flavors to the base components, various dairy products, dried fruits, greens and all sorts of nutritious "Superfudi" began to add. Consider the most suitable ingredients for the preparation of delicious and useful smoothies:

  • Fruits. Ripe fruits with juicy flesh are perfect for creating sweet drinks: peaches and nectarines, bananas and mango, kiwi and persimmon, pears and pineapples.
  • Berries. The most successful for smoothies is considered to be soft berries - raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries, cranberries, mulberry and blueberries.
  • Vegetables and greens. As a vegetable base for a vitamin cocktail, you can safely use tomatoes and celery, cucumbers and bell peppers, pumpkins and carrots, leaf salad and arugula, spinach and cilanthole.
  • Nutritional supplements. Make the taste of smoothies more saturated, and the composition is useful and nutritious, manual additives are designed: it can be cereal flakes, nuts and seeds, flower pollen and gentle seeds.
  • Liquid base. To carefully beat the above components and adjust the finish consistency of the drink, milk, yogurt, cream, vegetable decoction, juice, and mineral water are added to the bowl of the blender.

On a note! As useful sweeteners for fruit cocktails, unrefined honey or maple syrup can be used. Natural spices and powder from spirulina will help to give a vegetable drink.

Recipe for cooking smoothies

The technology of preparation of a traditional smoothie is quite simple and simple - the selected grocery set is layered into the bowl of the blender, carefully whipped to a homogeneous cream-like consistency and, if necessary, be filtered through fine sieve. One of the most delicious and useful is considered to be a classic raspberry smoothie. The process of its preparation consists of several uncomplicated stages:

  • First of all, fresh berries (1 cup) are purified from fruits, washed under running water and dried on a paper towel.
  • Next, the raspberry is thoroughly crushed with a submersible or stationary blender.
  • Then, grape / cherry juice (0.5 glasses) is then gradually added to the berry puree (0.5 glasses) and continue to beat up to the required consistency.
  • After that, the smoothie is squeezed by a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla either nutmeg and, if desired, be filtered through the culinary siete.
  • The finished drink is neatly poured over the glasses and decorate mint leaves or basilica.

How to cook smoothies - secrets

When preparing a smoothie, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Beat the ingredients for drink is necessary in two stages: on the first products are crushed at a low speed, on the second - at higher revs.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend mixing fruits and vegetables in one cocktail, as the latter are digested significantly longer due to the large content of fiber.
  • If you doubt the compatibility of the grocery set for smoothies, add a small piece of pumpkin or pineapple to it - these components are among the natural enzymes that contribute to the improvement of intestinal digestion.
  • Carbohydrate sweet drinks (for example, from bananas, pears and dates) it is better to use up to 12-00, in the afternoon, a preference should be given to less high-calorie cocktails from seasonal greenery and vegetables.

As you can see, cooking smoothies requires minimal effort and time costs. Mix your favorite products, turn on a culinary fantasy and remember that it is necessary to prepare a vitamin cocktail shortly before it is used.

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