How to plaster the walls?

How to plaster the walls?

It's no secret that the call to the repair wizard will cost the customer in the round sum, which is why it is worth paying attention to the possibility of independent repair work. Today we will tell about how to place the walls on our own, and so that the work is to be performed qualitatively and no complaints about it.

Technology and materials

So, in order for the walls and other surfaces in the room there were no defects in the form of irregularities, cracks, etc., it is necessary to carry out surfaces. If you encountered such a task for the first time, you should not worry too much about this. Because a detailed instruction and a clear following will help you quickly and easily achieve the desired result.

And even if everything is clear (we can make a solution and smear), you need to know the sequence of performing actions, a list of necessary tools and materials, as well as a lot of other parts, without knowing the knowledge, in this case, just do not do.

So, we do everything yourself, while we gain experience in repair work and save a large amount of money, which is very important for the average citizen.

Immediately I would like to mention such a detail - try your "talents" on an invisible area in the room. In order not to spoil all the work and not redo it again - this is the recommendation of specialists in this area.

Another important point is the choice of material for high-quality work. The choice will directly depend on certain factors, the main of which is the budget and the material from which the wall is made (do not forget also from the type of plaster - external or internal).

Stucco wall of bricks

In this case, the best variant will be the use of a mixture, which is based on such a component as cement. In order for the prepared mixture to have a special elasticity, you can add lime to the composition. It is a mixture that includes the lime can be used in rooms where humidity is excessive.

It is worth noting immediately that the main layer of plaster can be from the mixture, the fraction of which is quite large.

So, detailed instructions for plastering walls of brick:

  • First you need to understand that the solution under consideration should not be applied to the wall too thick. The maximum thickness in this case can be only 25 mm. If you decide to apply a mixture of a thickness of only 18 cm, it is worth using such a material as a chain grid in the process of plaster. The input walls and walls located outside can be placed in the present method.
  • In order for everything to work out, it is necessary, to start, prepare a solution correctly. To do this, it is necessary to mix the components correctly. So, a great recipe for the mixture of walls - sand ¾ parts and part of the cement. In the mixture of these bulk materials, water is added and everything is thoroughly mixed. Do not forget that the water is added to the moment until the mixture becomes elastic, but at the same time, quite thick. According to the result, you should get a mixture similar to sour cream, as in appearance and consistency.

Work with concrete wall

If you had to be engaged in plastering a wall of concrete, you need to know some nuances and the rules of the process under consideration, following which will help you to achieve the desired result:

If the concrete is too smooth, then without applying the primer in this case, it's just not to do. You should not forget that in the above mixture, it is necessary to add splashes from quartz to the applied layer to be grungy.

A gypsum-lime solution is suitable for plastering the wall of concrete is best. His preparation is quite simple, if you know the right recipe with precise proportions: ¾ parts of the lime plus part of such material as plaster. To begin with, the water is mixed with a plaster, and the mixing process must be operational, so that it does not have time to thunder. After that, another component is added - lime.

If the wall of concrete is rough enough, then no additional preparation in this case will be required, everything is performed according to the standard scheme.

Plastering the wall in the bathroom

The main problem in this case is a permanent humidity in the room. For this reason, this issue is paid to special attention. If we talk about the choice of materials for plastering, then there are only two options that will be really practical and durable, this is the use of gypsum blends or cement.

If you have chosen a gypsum composition for plastering walls in the bathroom, then you need to remember that a layer of such a mixture should be at least 19-21 mm. Only following these recommendations, you can get a reliable surface.

If you had to plaster foam block, you need to know some details:

  • In mandatory, you need to use the reinforcement type grid.
  • It is possible to use cement or plaster (permissible to use both options).
  • First you need to prepare the surface on which the plaster will be applied - we applied the impregnating primer, and after that the plaster is already applied.

Now you know the nuances of shuttering walls from various materials, so, forward, to new achievements.

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