How to get a woman

How to get a woman

Women often say and exchange experience in caring for hair, skin and cosmetics, but, unfortunately, very important and necessary theme of intimate hygiene is rarely discussed. Compliance with certain arrangement rules is extremely important not only for cleanliness and freshness, but also to eliminate unpleasant health problems. Before you the basic rules for maintaining impeccable intimate hygiene.

The usual soap and gel will not suit for washing the vagina

Most of the detergents are intended to maintain a natural pH of the skin balance of 5.5. The normal value of the pH of a healthy vagina from 3.8 to 4.5, so the use of casual soap can disrupt its natural flora and provoke the rapid reproduction of harmful bacteria. Plus, there are flavors that can cause irritation in most detergents. With a special responsibility, you need to approach the purchase of cosmetic intimate hygiene products and stay on special gels for this.

Wake up only an outer intimate zone

The vagina has the ability to "clean" himself independently, so there is no need to wash it inside. The most sterile place of a woman is the cavity of the uterus. Actually, the array inside the vagina can even be harmful. The woman should only wash the external intimate zone: vulva, vaginal lips and clit area.

Daily isolation

Each woman should wash its intimate parts with warm water once a day. The main requirement of the arms is the conduct of the procedure in running water at a temperature of 30 degrees. It is recommended to wash the vagina after each intestinal emptying so as not to transfer bacteria from one place to another. With menus, spend twice a day. If there is no possibility to clean female sites (in nature, on the road, at work), use hygienic napkins.

Do not use sponges or gloves

Sponges and gloves can cause easy injuries to the soft and delicate skin of the vagina. When washing intimate parts, it is enough to use your hand.

The right direction of the jet

When you knead an intimate zone, do not let the jet run right into the vagina. Let the water flow from the top of the intimate zone down. The most common cause of violation of the vaginal balance is a foam that gets inside. If this happens rarely, the danger is not large, but constant cases contribute to the destruction of microflora, which leads to dysbacteriosis.

Always use a soft towel

A towel that is applied after washing should be soft and completely dry. A woman is obliged to change it every 3 days. Remember that the towel is a personal thing, so do not allow anyone else to use it.

Proper apply toilet paper

After visiting the toilet, wipe the place toilet paper from the vagina to the anus. Thus, harmful bacteria will not spread, and you will protect yourself from the bladder infection and more serious problems.

Oscape before and after the act

Make sure you wash your intimate zone before and after loving. This is important because you do not give a multiply of harmful bacteria. In addition, it is desirable that the partner also supports its intimate hygiene.

During pregnancy

With special care it is necessary to monitor pregnant women. Immediately after visiting the toilet and sexual intercourse, spend cleaning intimate places with warm water in front. It is best to use an intimate gel with a vegetable extract that is not dried, and refreshes and deodoric. For such purposes, gel with bitter almond extracts are considered the most appropriate. Of course, it is problematic, so many women apply hygiene napkins.

Do not forget that the intimate zone needs to be careful more carefully than behind other parts of the body. The art of arms is not difficult, if you adhere to all the rules.

Comments leave a comment
Marina 12/10/2018 at 21:29

Tips are good, thanks. And from the means for intimate hygiene, I like the most like Dry Dry foam. It contains lactic acid that helps support the microflora is normal, and cleans perfectly.

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