How to meet a girl in VK?

How to meet a girl in VK?

Social networks, such as VKontakte - the perfect Internet resource for dating a girl. Especially for those young people who have difficulty acquaintance with the opposite sex in real life. Virtual communication allows you to quickly find out whether the lady of the heart is free, without fear of failure, to understand how it is passionate about and is ready for relationships. How to attract the attention of the girl to his person, just communicating with a girl VKontakte?

Registration of own page

Before starting a correspondence with the girl you like, you need to take care of your page in VKontakte, which creates the first impression of a person:

  1. Select avatar. If you are tuned for a date and continued relationship with a girl, for avatar, pick up your best photo in a successful angle. This is a business card that should attract her attention. No pictures and especially, other photos. Also, add a few of your photos with friends and family to the album. This will allow the girl to understand that you are a sociable and free young man.
  2. Fill in the Count "Interests", add a few words about yourself. You should not exaggerate your features, write what really do and love.
  3. To give to understand the girl than you are interested in, join several groups pointing to your interests. In addition to such dubious communities as: "Pickup Features" or "How to Divide the Girl for Sex." Believe me, not a single girl such information about you will not like!

Start of communication

The most difficult thing in the online acquaintance is the first phrase, on which it depends, will pay attention to you. For each girl you write a message, you need to find your approach and not use standard "brought" phrases: "Hello! Do you want to chat? ". Most likely, she will not answer you. To get a guaranteed answer, contact the interlocutor by name. Write sincere and show your interest on it. Let the girl feel special, tell her a compliment.

"Hi Masha! Your charming smile did not leave me indifferent, I would like to meet you. "

How to support the conversation?

If a girl is interested in communicating, she will study all the information about you and write the answer to the message. The next step is to interest it with your person and invite a date. The correspondence should comply with simple rules:

  • Continue to write a girl compliments, but not only about her appearance, but also witty, cheerfulness, pointing to the fact that it is interesting to you as a person.
  • Do not write vulgarity with sexual subtext, erotic jokes must be relevant and not to push the interlocutor.
  • Write competently and concisely, with humor. Your messages must cause her smile and trust. Moderately use smiles and stickers that will help express your feelings.
  • Emit positive and open communication. Do not tell her about your difficulties and problems.
  • Ask more questions about her hobbies, vital principles, tastes. Find something in common and develop the topic.
  • Answer questions about yourself are sincerely, and the facts about yourself are submitted in an attractive form. For example, if you are working as a sales assistant, it is worth writing that you are a sales manager. To the question about the car, the apartment (if not), answer that copy money on their purchase, etc.
  • Be unpredictable, surprise the girl with a different style of writing messages, add romanticity.
  • Do not take the phone immediately after the first phrases. Extend communication for several days. But only then offer her to continue a pleasant chat over a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe and invite a date.

Acquaintance through social networks is the most popular and affordable way for young people a way to find your soul mate or a pleasant interlocutor. Be sincere and interested in your interlocutor. The first communication and correspondence is the main key for the possible further development of romantic relationships. Being a simple conversation in VKontakte will be the beginning for real love!


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