How to increase FPS in Dota

How to increase FPS in Dota

The computer multiplayer game Dota 2 captures more and more players than gives rise to a lot of questions. For example, how to play a relatively new game that is constantly being improved on an old computer? Users with weak iron come to the forefront at least a little increase in FPS in the game Dota 2, otherwise there is no sense in the game: you will not see the battle process, miss important moments, and the allies will be, to put it mildly, upset. In an attempt to increase the frequency of personnel per second, you can take such actions: update the drivers of the video card and set it the right settings, clean the cache and the computer registry, close all the active tasks and set the minimum graphics settings in the game.

How to increase FPS in Dota - update the drivers of the video card and set it up

As a rule, most users have discrete video cards from AMD and NVIDIA manufacturers. These video cards are free from the manufacturer, which helps optimize games and processes, as well as monitor the performance of the card.

  • Download such software from the official website of the developer. In the case of NVIDIA, this is the GeForce Experience program.

  • The installation occurs quickly and does not require almost no participation from the user in the process.

  • You can go about your business until the program is installed on your computer. After that, open the program and click on the “Drivers” tab.
  • Here all drivers are displayed on a video card, which are outdated or not installed at all. You definitely need to download them.

  • The download and installation process will be displayed in the program.

  • Different installation options are always available to you if you are an experienced user and you know what components of the drivers you need.
  • After installing the drivers, close the application.

  • Now you need to set the correct parameters so that Dota 2 lifts FPS. Go to the video card control panel. You can find the panel through the search in the start.

  • First, go to the “Viewing image settings” section. Here, take the slider with the mouse and overtake it to the side of the “performance”. Now the textures in games will become a little worse, but FPS will rise.

  • Go to the “3D” control tab and find the Dota 2 game in the first line of this window.

In the second line, set the value of the “high -performance NVIDIA processor”.

  • This is exactly what the optimization occurs by debugging the video card parameters.

How to increase FPS in Dota - clean the computer cache

It is very important not to keep the garbage on your computer and clean it more often. Download the CCleaner program and delete the cache quickly.

  • Go to the program, and then into its “Cleaner” tab. Enter the “Applications” section and choose all the checkmarks. Click “Run Cleaner” in the lower right corner.

  • Now go to the “Windows” section and press the same button again.

How to increase FPS in Dota - lower the settings of graphics

As in any other games, you should lower the parameters of graphics when FPS becomes too few. This is done directly in the game.

  • Go to the dota and press the gear icon in the upper left corner.

  • In the window that opened, go to the Video tab. Here you can configure the details of everything regarding the image.

  • Immediately go to the point “Expanded settings” to see everything.

In the right list, a little lower to the end, put all the values \u200b\u200bon the “low” item. The lower sliders also need to be twisted:

  • Place the “quality of the screen processing” in the middle.
  • “The maximum number of personnel per second” let it remain at 60, since this is enough for a comfortable game.

  • The slider “use simple settings” is designed to quickly set parameters. Drag it to the very bottom, if you do not want to manually set the parameters.
  • Save the changes and restart DOTA 2. Your FPS will increase in the way before your eyes.

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