How to get to the Daricss Valley

How to get to the Daricss Valley

The legendary and one-of-a-kind Valley of Narcissov is located in Transcarpathia on the outskirts of the hust. This conservation array is the main part of the Carpathian Reserve, which is protected by UNESCO, and the narcissist-growing narcolic is listed in it in the Red Book of Ukraine.

From about the first half of May, mass flowering of daffodils begins. The entire valley is covered with white floral carpet and amazing aroma. Tourists from all over the world go to this place to admire the flowers. You can get to the Daricissian Valley by bicycle, car, excursion bus.

Every day, the train to Mukacheva departs from Kiev. Next will have to move with transfers. With Mukacheva, transplanted to the bus to the husta, and there are already constantly driving the bus before the kires.

For adventure and active sports lovers, you can choose a bike tour. Everyone is gathering at the Kiev Station, and the bicycle path begins with the silent. Then through Irshaw and Mukachevian districts get to the Narcissus Valley.

You can also rent our own way - on a personal car. This option is good because you can admire the landscapes on the way, do stop. The main thing is not to skip the desired turn. After reaching the eastern outskirts of the city, you can see a pointer with the direction of movement.

In informative will go to the Narcissal Valley on the excursion bus. The guide will tell you interesting historical facts about this beautiful place. And on the way there will be stops on the most attractive objects.

The reserve is open to everyone every day from 8 am to 21 pm. The cost of entry is very symbolic - 70-100 rubles. You can stay for the night in Husta hotels, Shayana.



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