No relationship is ideal. Quite often, learning from each other, the couples face insignificant, trivial problems. Such misunderstanding provokes the break between the relationship itself and even enmity between partners. There are certain methods of reconciliation and the establishment of ex-relationships.
How to make a girlfriend - analyze the situation
Before starting to act, the first thing you have to do is ask yourself why. Why do I want to return her back? Your answer can help solve whether it will be reasonable to continue the relationship. If your desire is caused only by the fear of loneliness or conversations of neighbors, such a reason is not essential for reconciliation. The desire to return the girl back, because you sincerely love her and think about her, really worth considering.
How to make a girl with a girl - find the reason for the break
Find out and analyze the reasons for which you broke up to go further. This will prevent their emergence in the future.
How to make a girl with a girl - sorry and restrave the relationship
Sorry for your mistakes. For example, waiting for the girl to spend free time only with you, and not with girlfriends or your parting was caused by her conversation with another guy, take responsibility for the gap. Discard the idea that your friend should be punished for past mistakes. Consider love her as it is.
How to make a girl with a girl - learn to speak
Do not attempt to avoid each other for a long time after tapping. Communication is a key to reconciliation. Even if your partner is adamant, start talking, apologizing. Discuss and try to find a solution to the problem that led to the rupture of relationships.
How to make a girlfriend - send a message
Even physically without communicating with each other, you can discuss everything by phone. If your partner does not accept calls, send it a message with the words: "Sorry" or "I miss you." The voice message may be more efficient, as it will completely give your emotions.
How to make a girlfriend - common interests
As soon as the initial level of interaction is achieved, try to revive the girl interest in joint actions. For example, order her favorite movie and look at it together on home video. Moy your beloved in your favorite restaurant for dinner with candles.
How to make up with a girl - Learn to say compliments
Complims and care for beloved play an important role in establishing relationships. For example, you do not like her favorite dress, but it is worth saying the girl that she is inimitable in his dress. If your date after break will take place, put on a shirt that was a gift of a girl. The minimum manifestation of care and affection will gradually begin to return heat into your relationship.
How to make a girl with a girl - get ready for a meeting
Not only externally, it is necessary to be beautiful, it is worth going well with thoughts before an important conversation. Correct your intentions and expectations correctly. Perhaps in advance should be practiced and pick up the words you say to your choices when meeting. Be sure they say briefly and accurately. Give it the opportunity to speak.
How to make a girl with a girl - install contact
If necessary, go to the girl to work, capturing a gift. Be sure that such a surprise her soul. Ask you another chance. Recall that it appreciated you most and use your strengths.
How to make up with a girl - find the right words
If you have any problems with finding the right words to return the lover, contact the site that offers the desired lines to return the heart ladies. Use the texts that you like most and send them through social networks.
For example, "Life is so short, and we do not know what to wait for tomorrow, so it is better to stop the enmity and enjoy our relations today."
How to make a girl with a girl - talk to a professional
If you really have problems and conflict is difficult to resolve, in this case it is better to talk to a professional. Psychoconsultant or therapist will help you understand your feelings.
Restoring relationships may take time. Even if the tap is over, a situation that will break all the plans can be happening. Communication, understanding and respect can return your relationship.